Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Internship: 8/78

30th April 2014; Wednesday

Met Jody coincidentally in the morning and we had our randomness chat going on again hahaha it's been so long hahahaha Lunch time came by quickly and we went to had a really filling lunch and the chicken was damn nice oh god (so much for being on diet lol)

Met up w CY to get Cyn's present and I really had a hard time laughing at what's his job scope is LOL OH and we had this really overpriced economic rice that cost 8 bucks LIKE SIAO?!?!?!

Loved Desiree, xoxo 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Internship: 7/78

29th April 2014; Tuesday 

Okay right this blog is so starting to be my diary. Today was a hell of a morning for me.

I decided to wake up early today and reach office on time. But..........................I took the wrong bus from home and not ending up in the interchange. =.= I should be taking buses 911 or 858 and reach the interchange at most by 10 minutes. So apparently I woke up feeling extra tired today and doing my daily routine basically with just my body alone meaning that my mind isn't awake AT ALL.. Dragging myself to the busstop and several busses came. Just as I thought why everyone would wanna just squeeze into the first bus when there were like 2 other empty buses at the back, I damn geh kiang (act smart) all and went to board the second bus without even looking at the bus number. So I was busy texting at that point of time until I come to one point and realised 15mins have passed and I have not reach the interchange?!?!?!?! As usual I started panicking trying to figure out where the hell I am at and quickly alighted at the next stop and realising that I was in another part of Woodlands which I have no idea of it's existence LOL went over to check the bus board to see which bus I could take to the interchange and I just realised that the bus I took was going to brasbasah?!?!?!?!!?! I went through the bus route of my previous bus and I saw the next stop is "NON-STOP EXPRESSWAY" I was like wtf sibei heng. If I only realized that I took the wrong bus when I'm in the expressway I'd probably cry lol So yeap went to take another bus to the interchange and was super late for work oh god. What a way to start my morning :( So much for waking up early for work :( But luckily I woke up early or I'll reached my company even later lol Maybe this just explained the random feeling I had of wanting to wake up early for work, IT'S DEFINITELY A SIGN. I should have known.. :'(

But it's ok the day ended pretty well for me so yeap STAY HAPPY EVERYONE KEKEKE

Loved Desiree, xoxo 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Internship: 6/78

28th April 2014; Monday

It's the second week of intern and surprisingly I woke up having the feeling to apply makeup which is absurd lol Legs were almost broken after standing and walking and standing in my stilettos but I just have this thing for heels and the sound of the stilettos that they make when I'm walking on the marble floors hahahaha why do the things I love always ending up to be either bad for health or like smth that isn't a good thing to do. 

and you know what's the best feeling when you reach home?!?!?! TAKE OFF EVERYTHING. HEELS, BRA EVERYTHING LOL and I srsly cannot tank the weather this kind of hot is way beyond words oh god

It is going to be a rather hectic week for me cause I'll be heading out everyday after work starting on Wednesday and I CAN'T WAIT TO MEET BAOBEI ON THE 4TH MAY KEKEKE (well initially it's on the 3rd but change of plans so yeap 4th.) Not forgetting to mention my girls as well hehehe gonna meet my 2 girls this coming Friday for dinner and I can't wait either YAY I just love how my week is packed with plans wheeeeeeeeeeeee~ Getting way too excited right now hahahaha 

Night night to all my beautiful readers out there!

Loved Desiree, xoxo 

Friday, April 25, 2014

Internship: 3/78 4/78 5/78

23rd April 2014; Wednesday

It's Wednesday and I'm alr getting sick and tired of choosing what to wear for work not to even mention makeup hahahaha I really need my sleep so yea.. I gave up makeup instead lol Ohoh and I have to say that I've made a drastic improvement in my stability after standing in the train for every single day HAHAHA -achievement unlocked- seriously the amount of people in the train WAS CRAZY. Other than not having a seat my face will always be sticking to the train door that's how pack the train I am in everyday. Really need to get use to it cause this is just gonna continue for the next 15 weeks of my life lol

Today was a really stressful day for me omg Went to meetings after meetings to discuss about the user requirements and then develop some student portal thingy (siao one) coding alone makes me go crazy just kill me. So yea Darren (Boss) drove us to have meeting at DNI > 2nd meeting at TH21 > 3rd meeting at Bras Basah (NTUH) 

Darren: Desiree help me hold these 2 balloons it's very important don't misplace it uh or my 2 daughters will kill me 
Me to Anna: omg balloons eh I love balloons omg okok faster faster take picture hahaha (sibei auntie wtf lol)

so here's the picture hahaha

Anna: You think what kind of car is he driving?
Me: Hmmm I dont know eh scarly he drive lorry like Desmond hahahaha (not saying that lorry is not good I still love Des' lorry horh) 
Anna: HAHA
-as we walk to the carpark, Boss really walked towards a lorry-
Me: HAHAHA OMG Don't tell me really is lorry 
Anna: eh shit hahahahha
-opened his car door which is next to the lorry-
Anna and I: hmm hahahahaha

The last meeting over at Bras Basah was damn fun cause we were just playing and talking shit around with the other 2 colleagues rather than discussing about the user requriements :X Plus the people there are so siao and I love it HAHA 

Went back home from Bras Basah to Woodlands is a hell of a distance for me plus standing the whole journey with heels is no joke it really felt like heaven when I reached home and that moment when I took off my heels and I went like, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so shiok" HAHAHAHA

24th April 2014; Thursday

Feeling so tired these days and have been crashing in at around 9+ the moment after I reached home. Darren introduced us to our new colleague Priscilla (which is so kind of her to give us snacks from her trip from Taiwan) and now, we have TWO GROUP CHATS lol So basically we were just doing up all the use case specs (which is like alot I've lost count) and I can't do this anymoreeeeeeeeeee. :( Ok la cannot complain I know I will face much more challenges when I really come out to the real work life and this is nothing so yeap jyjy des (self encouragement lol)

25th April 2014; Friday

Found really delicious food at the basement of Jem and yeap just look at the star-shaped egg, too cute. Been crazily in love with fruits recently and have been spamming them constantly.

Today is just another busy day, however the convos that the colleagues have here definitely kept me entertaining lol 

Brandon: -walks over to printer-
Glenn: I printing smth can you help me take
Brandon: WAH everytime one leh So just nice huh Everytime I print thn you got smth to print You confirm biou me one right see I go there thn faster print
Glenn: HAHAHAHA just nice ma
Brandon to me: You see la got these kind of colleagues one

Glenn: WALAO I help this customer solve his problem by signing up for this training thn now he tell me to solve another problem. He stated "Oh and Glenn BY THE WAY i got another problem" WALAO 好心好报 DE LEH  

Alex: What are we eating later
- no one replied-
Alex: What are we eating later
-no one replied-
Brandon: walao you from just now say until now haha
Alex: EH hungry leh
After Lunch Break
Alex: -bought a tin of biscuits back and put beside his table- LOL

Glenn: EH you all got watch movies one anot
Brandon and Alex: Have but I always go online and watch
Glenn: I let you see what I have -goes over to Brandon and ready to plug his hard drive-
Brandon: eh what you wanna show me
Glenn: Movies la
Brandon: You sure you want to plug your harddrive anot later got some dirty things inside hahaha
Me: -laughed-
Brandon: EH XIAO MEI MEI DONT HEAR this is adult world
Me: -thinking in my heart- "oh please I am much more "xiaomeimei" thn you think hahaha"

Me: -eating bread-
Glenn: WALAO I see you eat I also hungry. Cannot must endure.
-after 5 mins-
Glenn: Really cannot take it I go find food. See la. 变肥是你害我的
- comes back with one tin of biscuits-
Glenn: Come we all share

So yeap, today is the last day of the first week of intern. Brace yourself. I'm gonna go sleep now I really need to sleep, too tired, way too tired oh god. Night night to all my beautiful readers.

Loved Desiree, xoxo 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Quote: Be Satisfied

“不在乎天长地久, 只在乎曾经拥有。”

Loved Desiree, xoxo 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Internship: 2/78

25th April 2014; Tuesday
Second day of work was pure relaxation. Boss was kinda busy with his meetings and everything so we didn't get to do much for today hehe So basically I am here just blogging my time away hehe AND NO WAY MY HICCUP ISSUES ARE BACK OH GOD can't stop hiccupping away crazily in my insanely quiet office so ya'know when I hiccup everyone will just look at me and I feel so sorry to be a disturbance for them and fyi it never stopped T.T

and guess who has gotten her pass -hiak hiak hiak- (can go and shit anytime alr hahaha :x) 

Went to had lunch w Anna and srsly I was wondering how will my lunch be like without her. I'd probably be some loner roaming around Jem and tabao food back to the office and eat alone (oh god this scene is scary)

sad thing our seats are kinda far away from each other so we always had to chat either through whatsapp or twitter lol not to mention that the signal here sucksssssss (well at least for my side) I wonder whether I'm too short or what cause I always have to raise my hand up to "catch" the signal or whatsoever in order for my messages to be sent out. REALLY NO JOKE. It's like whenever I wanna send out messages sitting down it will take like forever and sometimes giving me the exclamation mark which obviously means my messages were not sent out. So at one point I'm just stretching out my hand w my phone in my hand (cause sitting down for too long is way too exhausting for my back lol) and wah siao siao I can here the spamming sounds of my messages being sent out (you know the 'tick' sound that appear when your whatsapp message have been sent out?) I was still wondering if that was just a coincidence so I tried sending out another message sitting down and yeap its not working and once I raise my hand SIA LA THE MESSAGE WAS SENT OUT LIKE IMMEDIATELY. I obviously went -shocked face- hahahaha HUGE REALISATION WTF HAHAHA so now my colleagues around me will know what I'm up to or doing whenever I raise my hand up hahahahaha

and ok my hair looks weird here and YES I'm still in DILEMMA whether to snip my fringe off but just the thought of having the need to go back to the salon and get it trimmed just makes me go urgh..... -lazy mode on-  and jialat getting fatter wtf hahahahahahahaha fml and upon looking at this photo I just realised that this dress is so ummmm pyjamas lol I did not just wore a pyjamas outfit to intern but whatever hahahaha I'm alr starting to get sick and tired of choosing what to wear for work.

Was feeling so god damn tired after work and my eyes goes like this -_- when I was travelling back to Woodlands in the train. The moment as I stepped out of the train I heard someone calling "Desiree!" AND GUESS WHO?!?!?!?!?!?!? IT'S COCO!!!!!! :') my eyes literally went from -_- to O_O LOL Was damn happy luh cause after mixing w new people in a new environment I feel so urgh idk how to explain but just so out of place and when I saw Coco idky I feel like crying lol it's like I feel so safe like coming back to the arms of someone who knows you and everything and it feels like home. Yea so we chatted for awhile and for awhile I meant missing about 6+ of her train back home lol

God dammit I miss everyone. I hate this feeling whereby you know they are not doing the same but you can't help but just miss them. Never did I know being in a whole new environment can be so tough for me.

Loved Desiree, xoxo 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Internship: 1/78

21st April 2014; Monday

Yes, today is the day where my intern officially starts. I am assigned to the company NTUC Learning Hub, and nope it is not the kind of NTUC you are thinking in mind right now, the things that we're dealing with here are picking out clients and arranging them to attend to the necessary and suitable courses which they are lack in knowledge of that are actually needed in the individual job scopes. So yeap not the sell vegetables, bread all those yea.

Met Anna on the first day of work at 8am and trying to figure out our way to the company. Reached the company in just 5mins and I thank God to have Anna around cause she was damn good in directions hahahahahaha I swear I wouldn't have found my way there if I'm doing this alone.

oh my god really cannot stand my hair urgh 

So we texted this guy called Andy and he kept insisting us to go grab our breakfast and come back at 9am so of course we did hahaha We went to get our coffees over at IMM and reported back to our Boss named Darren (and honestly I think the name Darren is kinda hot HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA) and he was a really friendly and good-looking guy. We were called into the meeting room and my palms were sweating like mad and I think I just flooded my area of the table with all my palm sweat LOL self-realising was alr bad enough and yet the boss was like "Why you look so nervous I see the both of you playing with your fingers I won't eat you all one we all very chin chai here chill chill" and he started spamming his hokkien and chinese, trying his very best to calm us down but it just failed man hahahahaha but there is one thing that he said which I am super glad with and I quote "I don't mind you guys coming late or working short hours as long as you deliver your work I'm fine. I very chin chai one" HAHAHA

Oh and we had our own working area which we are allowed to bring or store anything there so I decided to bring my cup hahahahaha it has always been so long since I wanted a working space of my own after watching the ones in the tv or when I'm passing by the staff room during pri and sec school times hahaha it's like I can pin my photos decorate until pink pink all not forgetting placing some precious moments stuff hahaha I guess I'll definitely be much more motivated to complete my intern in this way HAHAHA but there is this very troublesome thing cause all the doors are needed to be unlocked using the key card and we haven't gotten ours yet so we had to ask from the colleagues around us which I obviously will not do that hahaha AND GUESS HOW GOD DECIDED TO MAKE THINGS "BETTER" FOR ME. I was assigned to my seat for not less than 10mins and I started to have the feel to shit HAHAHAHAHA but I can't get out of the office without the damn pass and the super strong aircon is definitely not helping at all urgh WANNA SHIT ALSO SO DIFFICULT KNN (okokok sorry too much info but I really wanna share w you guys hahahahaha) but just so you know I managed to endure it till I get home HAHAHAHA ok la sorry sorry I'll stop end this shit thing now hahaha

After that, weird things started to happen.
1. Realising shit just got real when my boss created a whatsapp group for intern w 2 other colleagues. I feel like my personal space has been invaded oh god lol

2. Less than half a day and the boss started calling me 'des' lol at first I wasn't sure if he was calling me until he started shouting 'des des' across the office from Anna's table cause we were placed damn far (I know this sucks :( )and I feel weird and out of place hahaha

3. Andy started to find topics to entertain us. I know he is out of a good intention but no, the jokes that he was saying was not funny at all. Anna and I will just look at each other with the omg-can-we-get-out-of-here face.

4. Boss brought us out for lunch kekekeke (ok this is not weird but idk where to put this so.. yea hahaha)

5. AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S WRONG W MY SURROUNDING TEMPERATURE. It's either I'm freezing to death in the office till all my goosebumps appear or I'm gonna burn to death when I'm out on the streets. This is crazy.

6. Boss decided to let us go at 5pm cause there's really nth much to do so yeap.

So this pretty summed up the first day of work. Despite the weird things that happened, I am still glad to say that I'm working with really friendly and nice people here in this company. They took really good care of us and I totally appreciate it. Have to thank God for such good colleages aka table neighbours as well and they are Kenneth, Glenn, Alex and Brandon and they have this smoke smell or whatever smell that smells exactly the same 2 brands that Kev, Vernon and Edmund are having and this reminded me of them :( (wtf like become some smoke brand detector or what lol) Anyways cheers to a better tmr guys, we've cleared the first day. we can do so for the remaining 78 days jyjy hehe

Loved Desiree, xoxo 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

A Day w Fam: The Other Woman

19th April 2014 ; Saturday

Went out w sis to watch The Other Woman and it was damn funny, these are my kind of movies I would say. AND OMG I REALLY REALLY CANNOT STAND MY HAIR ANYMORE I JUST DON'T KNOW HOW TO DEAL W THE FRINGE THAT IS CURRENTLY GOING ON OH GOD Really contemplating whether to give it a snip and back to my bangs or continue w this :( 

and tmr is officially the start of my inmtern I'm both nervous, dreadful and at the same time excited hahaha but guess who's my all time sweetie pie hehe 

Loved Desiree, xoxo 

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Journey w Bao: What's Another Day W/O Astons

18th April 2014; Friday

Went over to Grams' (Goon Ma's) cause it's been quite some time since I last saw her and I think it was during CNY period. So yeap, goon ma cooked a whole lot of delicious dishes of hers as usual. She never fails to feed us with so much food and I guess that's what all Grandma does right? Hahaha So yeap went to meet Cynthia with a heavy stomach in the evening for our mini shopping spree.

Decided to go on a date with baobei before our interns starts. Our ultimate goal for that day was to shop at Bugis street cause that's where all the really cheap deals are since we're waiting for our pay. However it was raining so god damn heavily upon arrival so we did some shopping in the Bugis Junction and (shit I can't remember what's the other name of the mall). Babe and I got ourselves some apparels despite the crazy crowds that were going on in the mall. Headed over to Bugis street once the rain had stop and thn to Astons (AGAIN HAHAHA NEVER FAILS HAHAHA) for our dinner and the queue was god, damn long at around 7+ but still we queued hahahaha 

Went home afterwards and got myself a cup of coffee bean and did some alone shopping at cwp hahahaha 

Urgh just the thought of internship makes me so nervous god damn it. May all the odds be in our favour kay? So umm bye night night to all my beautiful readers out there. 

Loved Desiree, xoxo 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Journey w Yan: Virgin Trip to Tim Ho Wan

16th April 2014; Wednesday

Woke up early in the morning for the internship briefing at school at 10am. It's been like forever since I went back to school, the last time I was at school was probably the last day of school which was like about a month plus back? So yeap, I met Cynthia at the bridge and thn made our way to some TRCC Studio which I've never been before despite being in the school for a good 2 years LOL Saw Desmond, Coco, Ila, Lina, Kerisa, Samantha and everyone and it feels like it's been ages and to be honest I kinda miss my classmates :( 

Went over to bbg's after the talk cause I ended early plus she wasn't ready yet so yeap went to nua at her place first. I was so hungry at that point of time so I decided to tabao the $2 chicken rice until bbg told me not to cause she was craving for dimsum so my eyes obviously sparkled hahahaha and managed to endure all the way until Dhoby Ghaut's Tim Ho Wan. Not to mention that the weather for that day was fucking INSANE?!?!?!?! I swear I was sweating inside and out when I walked over to bbg's. As I thought I could finally use the fan upon arrival at her house, I was stuck outside with the lock for 5 solid mins cause I actually turned the pin number at the wrong side =.= just so you know this was not the only "obstacle", the fan that I was desperately in need for was spoilt (as I thought at that point of time and continue to sweat and it feels like my makeup was melting off my face oh god) until bbg told me that I have to turn on the switch on the wall. OKOKOK pause, don't start all the judging on me first, hear me out, the fan was like those kind of ceiling fan with a string (or whatever it is called) that was attached to it which most ppl (I assume) will not have the thought of finding the switch for these kind of fans right.....? (ok la maybe my assumption was wrong hahaha I'm just pure stupid fml)  SO YAY THERE WAS MY FAN, MY WIND and lying on the sofa for bbg to get changed and everything and off we go. Ohohoh and smth embarrassing happened (well what's new haha), as we were 50m away from her house, she realised that she needed plaster for her leg and went back to get it while I was waiting for her at the sidewalk using my phone. So I was TOO OVERLY CONFIDENT to trust my eyesight to be sure that the lady I saw from my peripheral vision was bbg and I went like " WALAO FML I HAVE A REALLY BAD HAIR DAY TODAY" while adjusting my hair and looking them through my camera until I held up my head and come to realise that that was somebody else. So we obviously had that awkward moment stare for 5 secs and I apologized to her lol luckily she said "it's ok!" politely and walked away but I guess she must be mocking me in her heart :( 

Moving on, we were just having our regular updates to each other in the train.

Last week during our work:
Me: Walao my skin really cannot make it sia omg After we finish our work I must stay at home all day long, sleep early, no make up, put mask and everything until I get to meet you on the 16th (which was 10 days from then.) and thn you tell me whether my skin got improve ok?!?!?!?!


16th April:
Yan: Did you go out after the last day we met?
Me: Yeap, I went shopping with fam, I watch movie with Chunhui, I slept at 2+ etc etc..
Yan: So at last you never stay at home and stick with your plan uh!!!
Me: HAHAHAHA yea sia never hahahaha

and so that explained the no improvements of the skin......

After all the talking we've FINALLY reached. Luckily the queue wasn't that bad although it was like the lunch period at that point of time furthermore it's just the 2 of us which made it much easier for us to get our seats and yeap we got our seats within 10mins and bbg started ordering the food keke definitely must say that I'm really thankful to have her around cause she knows exactly all my likes and dislikes so I'm just sitting there waiting to dig in hehe blessed. Not long after, all the food arrived and I just had to do my thing by taking all the pics for my beloved blog but the guy sitting the table next to us was literally staring all the way through, even at my camera oh god and that was weird he definitely did a real good job by judging us goodness gracious. So yeap here are all the food, enjoy keke (OH YEA AND THE XIA CHANG FEN WAS DA SEX DAMN GO TRY IT PLS)

Walked over to Somerset while digesting our food (god it was damn full despite ordering like 6 of them only?!) SHOP SHOP SHOP SHOP SHOP and come to realise that MAC lipstick only cost like what, 29 bucks?!?!!?!?!?!?!? Like damn so gonna get it when I get to find a shade that I love keke, I know I know I've got too many lipsticks on hands right now but 29 bucks eh.......... I will never forgive myself if I don't get it cause all my lipsticks cost like $50+ each which I could actually gotten 2 MAC lipsticks instead! So yeap you get my point. Hahaha

Had the famous Jollibee for dinner at Lucky Plaza/Far East (gosh I always get mixed up with these both places) The rice was damn cute uh and the main thing was that this set costs like $6.60 and $3.30 for one chicken and it was damn cheap hahahahahahaha , well as compared to the other food outlets in town.

So yeap it was a great day spent with bbg and it will be quite some time for our next meetup since I'm having my intern (which ends at 6pm everyday) and bbg with her fyp so yea... Just wanna say goodluck for your studies in Year3 and please don't be late for any classes (ok well let's admit that's not gonna happen hahahaha). Don't be all stressed up about all the things that is happening to you lately, you have me here to help you out don't worry hehe woaini xoxo 

Loved Desiree, xoxo 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Journey w JED: Project Hashima

14th April 2014; Monday

Went to trim my brows at amk for the $5 deal hahahaha damn cheapo as always but this is the kind of shit you gotta do when you come to realise that there's no fucking money left in your wallet and bank (well technically I can't withdraw money from the bank cause the card isn't with me so yeap its the same as no money in the bank) ok moving on, went to find Chunhui cause it's been a long long time since we last met and I'm really into movies so yeap a movie date kekeke since I was generous enough hahahahaha I asked her which show she would like to watch and never did I knew...

So we ended up watching Project Hashima and it was FUCKING HORRIFYING. IT SCARED MY SOUL AWAY FML however I just have this love-hate relationship with horror movies and idky I'll still go ahead and watch them and always ended up scaring myself in the night after the show urgh and now guess what I'm afraid of, GOING TO THE TOILET ALONE AND STARING IN THE MIRROR you know there will always be these kind of horrifying scenes that will always appear in scary movies where the person just bends down to wash their face and when they come right up, BAM!, THERE WILL BE SOMEONE STARING AT THEM IN THE MIRROR BEHIND THEM?!?!?! Yeap so now I always wash my face with my eyes closed all the way and only to wipe it after I ran into my room with all the water dripping on the floor. (and that's if I don't slip and fall) Same goes for brushing my teeth, I will bear and control myself from bending my head down into the sink, even if I had to spit and gargle my mouth, I will spit them into the cup with my eyes still fixed on the mirror making sure no one will appear out of nowhere shit I think I'm going crazy wtf hahahaha okokok shhhhhhh better stop thinking about it I need to sleep soon kbye. (sorry for the awkward endings recently haha)

Loved, Desiree xoxo 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

A Day w Me: Cookies & Me

12th April 2014; Saturday

Went over to TM for my Kiss Jane muhahaha and Mom got me 2 pairs of black flats from Rubi just as I needed them?!?!?!!?!?! So yay new flats for new work, for new working partners. ^^ 

Curently am crazy with the tv series 'Mind Games' & 'Suits' especially while munching these and watching them. I tell you this cookie might just be the best I've ever had and yeap I'm gonna be a really loyal customer to this brand and give up Famous Amos hahahahaha

So here I am catching up with my Suits while blogging with my mask on (I know I'm that great in multitasking hahahahhahaha) and I really really don't like how wet my face feels whenever I leave my mask on and its like urgh I don't know how to explain but I just can't wait to take this off me right now, but thn again what to do, just have to blame it on myself for sleeping so god damn late every single day and leading to the worst skin condition evaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Really need to go get sleeping at 10pm every night once intern starts. Yeap, so ummm, thats about it, so ummm, I guess this is goodbye hahaha

Loved Desiree, xoxo