Thursday, April 17, 2014

Journey w Yan: Virgin Trip to Tim Ho Wan

16th April 2014; Wednesday

Woke up early in the morning for the internship briefing at school at 10am. It's been like forever since I went back to school, the last time I was at school was probably the last day of school which was like about a month plus back? So yeap, I met Cynthia at the bridge and thn made our way to some TRCC Studio which I've never been before despite being in the school for a good 2 years LOL Saw Desmond, Coco, Ila, Lina, Kerisa, Samantha and everyone and it feels like it's been ages and to be honest I kinda miss my classmates :( 

Went over to bbg's after the talk cause I ended early plus she wasn't ready yet so yeap went to nua at her place first. I was so hungry at that point of time so I decided to tabao the $2 chicken rice until bbg told me not to cause she was craving for dimsum so my eyes obviously sparkled hahahaha and managed to endure all the way until Dhoby Ghaut's Tim Ho Wan. Not to mention that the weather for that day was fucking INSANE?!?!?!?! I swear I was sweating inside and out when I walked over to bbg's. As I thought I could finally use the fan upon arrival at her house, I was stuck outside with the lock for 5 solid mins cause I actually turned the pin number at the wrong side =.= just so you know this was not the only "obstacle", the fan that I was desperately in need for was spoilt (as I thought at that point of time and continue to sweat and it feels like my makeup was melting off my face oh god) until bbg told me that I have to turn on the switch on the wall. OKOKOK pause, don't start all the judging on me first, hear me out, the fan was like those kind of ceiling fan with a string (or whatever it is called) that was attached to it which most ppl (I assume) will not have the thought of finding the switch for these kind of fans right.....? (ok la maybe my assumption was wrong hahaha I'm just pure stupid fml)  SO YAY THERE WAS MY FAN, MY WIND and lying on the sofa for bbg to get changed and everything and off we go. Ohohoh and smth embarrassing happened (well what's new haha), as we were 50m away from her house, she realised that she needed plaster for her leg and went back to get it while I was waiting for her at the sidewalk using my phone. So I was TOO OVERLY CONFIDENT to trust my eyesight to be sure that the lady I saw from my peripheral vision was bbg and I went like " WALAO FML I HAVE A REALLY BAD HAIR DAY TODAY" while adjusting my hair and looking them through my camera until I held up my head and come to realise that that was somebody else. So we obviously had that awkward moment stare for 5 secs and I apologized to her lol luckily she said "it's ok!" politely and walked away but I guess she must be mocking me in her heart :( 

Moving on, we were just having our regular updates to each other in the train.

Last week during our work:
Me: Walao my skin really cannot make it sia omg After we finish our work I must stay at home all day long, sleep early, no make up, put mask and everything until I get to meet you on the 16th (which was 10 days from then.) and thn you tell me whether my skin got improve ok?!?!?!?!


16th April:
Yan: Did you go out after the last day we met?
Me: Yeap, I went shopping with fam, I watch movie with Chunhui, I slept at 2+ etc etc..
Yan: So at last you never stay at home and stick with your plan uh!!!
Me: HAHAHAHA yea sia never hahahaha

and so that explained the no improvements of the skin......

After all the talking we've FINALLY reached. Luckily the queue wasn't that bad although it was like the lunch period at that point of time furthermore it's just the 2 of us which made it much easier for us to get our seats and yeap we got our seats within 10mins and bbg started ordering the food keke definitely must say that I'm really thankful to have her around cause she knows exactly all my likes and dislikes so I'm just sitting there waiting to dig in hehe blessed. Not long after, all the food arrived and I just had to do my thing by taking all the pics for my beloved blog but the guy sitting the table next to us was literally staring all the way through, even at my camera oh god and that was weird he definitely did a real good job by judging us goodness gracious. So yeap here are all the food, enjoy keke (OH YEA AND THE XIA CHANG FEN WAS DA SEX DAMN GO TRY IT PLS)

Walked over to Somerset while digesting our food (god it was damn full despite ordering like 6 of them only?!) SHOP SHOP SHOP SHOP SHOP and come to realise that MAC lipstick only cost like what, 29 bucks?!?!!?!?!?!?!? Like damn so gonna get it when I get to find a shade that I love keke, I know I know I've got too many lipsticks on hands right now but 29 bucks eh.......... I will never forgive myself if I don't get it cause all my lipsticks cost like $50+ each which I could actually gotten 2 MAC lipsticks instead! So yeap you get my point. Hahaha

Had the famous Jollibee for dinner at Lucky Plaza/Far East (gosh I always get mixed up with these both places) The rice was damn cute uh and the main thing was that this set costs like $6.60 and $3.30 for one chicken and it was damn cheap hahahahahahaha , well as compared to the other food outlets in town.

So yeap it was a great day spent with bbg and it will be quite some time for our next meetup since I'm having my intern (which ends at 6pm everyday) and bbg with her fyp so yea... Just wanna say goodluck for your studies in Year3 and please don't be late for any classes (ok well let's admit that's not gonna happen hahahaha). Don't be all stressed up about all the things that is happening to you lately, you have me here to help you out don't worry hehe woaini xoxo 

Loved Desiree, xoxo 

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