Friday, April 25, 2014

Internship: 3/78 4/78 5/78

23rd April 2014; Wednesday

It's Wednesday and I'm alr getting sick and tired of choosing what to wear for work not to even mention makeup hahahaha I really need my sleep so yea.. I gave up makeup instead lol Ohoh and I have to say that I've made a drastic improvement in my stability after standing in the train for every single day HAHAHA -achievement unlocked- seriously the amount of people in the train WAS CRAZY. Other than not having a seat my face will always be sticking to the train door that's how pack the train I am in everyday. Really need to get use to it cause this is just gonna continue for the next 15 weeks of my life lol

Today was a really stressful day for me omg Went to meetings after meetings to discuss about the user requirements and then develop some student portal thingy (siao one) coding alone makes me go crazy just kill me. So yea Darren (Boss) drove us to have meeting at DNI > 2nd meeting at TH21 > 3rd meeting at Bras Basah (NTUH) 

Darren: Desiree help me hold these 2 balloons it's very important don't misplace it uh or my 2 daughters will kill me 
Me to Anna: omg balloons eh I love balloons omg okok faster faster take picture hahaha (sibei auntie wtf lol)

so here's the picture hahaha

Anna: You think what kind of car is he driving?
Me: Hmmm I dont know eh scarly he drive lorry like Desmond hahahaha (not saying that lorry is not good I still love Des' lorry horh) 
Anna: HAHA
-as we walk to the carpark, Boss really walked towards a lorry-
Me: HAHAHA OMG Don't tell me really is lorry 
Anna: eh shit hahahahha
-opened his car door which is next to the lorry-
Anna and I: hmm hahahahaha

The last meeting over at Bras Basah was damn fun cause we were just playing and talking shit around with the other 2 colleagues rather than discussing about the user requriements :X Plus the people there are so siao and I love it HAHA 

Went back home from Bras Basah to Woodlands is a hell of a distance for me plus standing the whole journey with heels is no joke it really felt like heaven when I reached home and that moment when I took off my heels and I went like, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so shiok" HAHAHAHA

24th April 2014; Thursday

Feeling so tired these days and have been crashing in at around 9+ the moment after I reached home. Darren introduced us to our new colleague Priscilla (which is so kind of her to give us snacks from her trip from Taiwan) and now, we have TWO GROUP CHATS lol So basically we were just doing up all the use case specs (which is like alot I've lost count) and I can't do this anymoreeeeeeeeeee. :( Ok la cannot complain I know I will face much more challenges when I really come out to the real work life and this is nothing so yeap jyjy des (self encouragement lol)

25th April 2014; Friday

Found really delicious food at the basement of Jem and yeap just look at the star-shaped egg, too cute. Been crazily in love with fruits recently and have been spamming them constantly.

Today is just another busy day, however the convos that the colleagues have here definitely kept me entertaining lol 

Brandon: -walks over to printer-
Glenn: I printing smth can you help me take
Brandon: WAH everytime one leh So just nice huh Everytime I print thn you got smth to print You confirm biou me one right see I go there thn faster print
Glenn: HAHAHAHA just nice ma
Brandon to me: You see la got these kind of colleagues one

Glenn: WALAO I help this customer solve his problem by signing up for this training thn now he tell me to solve another problem. He stated "Oh and Glenn BY THE WAY i got another problem" WALAO 好心好报 DE LEH  

Alex: What are we eating later
- no one replied-
Alex: What are we eating later
-no one replied-
Brandon: walao you from just now say until now haha
Alex: EH hungry leh
After Lunch Break
Alex: -bought a tin of biscuits back and put beside his table- LOL

Glenn: EH you all got watch movies one anot
Brandon and Alex: Have but I always go online and watch
Glenn: I let you see what I have -goes over to Brandon and ready to plug his hard drive-
Brandon: eh what you wanna show me
Glenn: Movies la
Brandon: You sure you want to plug your harddrive anot later got some dirty things inside hahaha
Me: -laughed-
Brandon: EH XIAO MEI MEI DONT HEAR this is adult world
Me: -thinking in my heart- "oh please I am much more "xiaomeimei" thn you think hahaha"

Me: -eating bread-
Glenn: WALAO I see you eat I also hungry. Cannot must endure.
-after 5 mins-
Glenn: Really cannot take it I go find food. See la. 变肥是你害我的
- comes back with one tin of biscuits-
Glenn: Come we all share

So yeap, today is the last day of the first week of intern. Brace yourself. I'm gonna go sleep now I really need to sleep, too tired, way too tired oh god. Night night to all my beautiful readers.

Loved Desiree, xoxo 

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