Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Internship: 2/78

25th April 2014; Tuesday
Second day of work was pure relaxation. Boss was kinda busy with his meetings and everything so we didn't get to do much for today hehe So basically I am here just blogging my time away hehe AND NO WAY MY HICCUP ISSUES ARE BACK OH GOD can't stop hiccupping away crazily in my insanely quiet office so ya'know when I hiccup everyone will just look at me and I feel so sorry to be a disturbance for them and fyi it never stopped T.T

and guess who has gotten her pass -hiak hiak hiak- (can go and shit anytime alr hahaha :x) 

Went to had lunch w Anna and srsly I was wondering how will my lunch be like without her. I'd probably be some loner roaming around Jem and tabao food back to the office and eat alone (oh god this scene is scary)

sad thing our seats are kinda far away from each other so we always had to chat either through whatsapp or twitter lol not to mention that the signal here sucksssssss (well at least for my side) I wonder whether I'm too short or what cause I always have to raise my hand up to "catch" the signal or whatsoever in order for my messages to be sent out. REALLY NO JOKE. It's like whenever I wanna send out messages sitting down it will take like forever and sometimes giving me the exclamation mark which obviously means my messages were not sent out. So at one point I'm just stretching out my hand w my phone in my hand (cause sitting down for too long is way too exhausting for my back lol) and wah siao siao I can here the spamming sounds of my messages being sent out (you know the 'tick' sound that appear when your whatsapp message have been sent out?) I was still wondering if that was just a coincidence so I tried sending out another message sitting down and yeap its not working and once I raise my hand SIA LA THE MESSAGE WAS SENT OUT LIKE IMMEDIATELY. I obviously went -shocked face- hahahaha HUGE REALISATION WTF HAHAHA so now my colleagues around me will know what I'm up to or doing whenever I raise my hand up hahahahaha

and ok my hair looks weird here and YES I'm still in DILEMMA whether to snip my fringe off but just the thought of having the need to go back to the salon and get it trimmed just makes me go urgh..... -lazy mode on-  and jialat getting fatter wtf hahahahahahahaha fml and upon looking at this photo I just realised that this dress is so ummmm pyjamas lol I did not just wore a pyjamas outfit to intern but whatever hahahaha I'm alr starting to get sick and tired of choosing what to wear for work.

Was feeling so god damn tired after work and my eyes goes like this -_- when I was travelling back to Woodlands in the train. The moment as I stepped out of the train I heard someone calling "Desiree!" AND GUESS WHO?!?!?!?!?!?!? IT'S COCO!!!!!! :') my eyes literally went from -_- to O_O LOL Was damn happy luh cause after mixing w new people in a new environment I feel so urgh idk how to explain but just so out of place and when I saw Coco idky I feel like crying lol it's like I feel so safe like coming back to the arms of someone who knows you and everything and it feels like home. Yea so we chatted for awhile and for awhile I meant missing about 6+ of her train back home lol

God dammit I miss everyone. I hate this feeling whereby you know they are not doing the same but you can't help but just miss them. Never did I know being in a whole new environment can be so tough for me.

Loved Desiree, xoxo 

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