Monday, April 7, 2014

Journey w Fam: Blood

3rd April 2014


Time flies, 12 years just flew by just like that. I still remember me touching Mommy's tummy and sayang sayang you to not kick it cause you're so god damn active inside Mommy's womb and that definitely explained your activeness ever since you've arrived into this beautiful world. 3rd April 2002, you officially came out from Mommy's womb, still remembered how excited was Daddy when he fetched me from school telling me we were heading to the hospital to see Mommy and you, AND I WAS FEELING SO EXCITED AS WELL CAUSE FINALLY SOMEONE CAN GET TO PLAY BARBIE DOLL WITH ME HEHEHE (and because Daddy let me off to not test me spelling that night hahaha) Ok wait up, a little bit of history here, so basically I was young and Daddy bought so many barbie dolls for me and I got bored playing them alone so I begged Mommy to give birth to another sister for me (which I naively thought it was that easy hahaha, well I was a child back thn, so please forgive hahaha) so I could have someone to play my fav barbie dolls with me. So yeap my wish came true and tada here comes Elsie Daisy Tan. BUT BUT BUT who knew when my sister was born, she like the colour blue instead of pink, she watched shows like ben10 instead of barbie charm school, she only wore shorts instead of skirts.............................who knew, who but still I LOVE HER KEKE From the times I snatch your pacifier to eat whenever Mommy is not around, to climb into the babycot and sleep with you in the night, to pat you to sleep in your baby hammock, to hear you calling 'Jiejie' for the first time (after many months of hardwork it finally came true :') hahahaha) to see you go to nursery and cried so badly, to see your first nursery concert till your K2 concert, to bathe together in the shower and do funny things like pouring the shampoo, conditioner, facial wash and dettol into the cover and mixing them all tgt claiming that that was our new invented "drink", to using Daddy's soap and play soccer in the bathroom, to arguing over small little things and would switch off each other shower's heater when we're bathing just to get back at each other, to me hiding at each corner of the house to scare you, to bribing each other with sweets to cover up each other's lies from Mommy, to jumping on Mommy's bed until it spoilt, to biting each other's hands and see who let goes first and lose and have to wash the plates for the rest of the week, to you accompanying me to sleep every night during my lowest time of my life, to making silly videos tgt, to till now, loving each other like no other. 

Loved Desiree, xoxo 

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