Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Journey w Yan: Block 369

8th April 2014; 9th April 2014

Went over to bbg's to have some late night talks. I really really am into these kind of things, lying down on the bed, pouring out our hearts, being there for each other. Sad thing bbg is going to move at the end of year3 to Punggol and I can never have the chance to look for her in the middle of the night. :( 

Reached home at around 2am with many insane cravings omg It's been happening so often recently, having some mad cravings like chicken wings, ice cream, orhwa jian without orhwa etc etc ok I should probably go sleep it off urgh I hate going to sleep with a hungry stomach cause it will take me hours to fall asleep with those crazy food flashing through my mind. :( 

Night night to all my beautiful readers out there. 

Loved, Desiree, xoxo 

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