Friday, March 28, 2014

Journey w Yan: 10 days, 120 hours, we've made it hehe

18th March 2014; Tuesday
DAY #01

Reached taka at like 9:30am?!?!?! It was just the first day of work and we were alr crying to go home. AND GUESS WHAT HAHAHA ITS JUST OUR FIRST DAY OF WORK, HAVE NOT EVEN GOTTEN OUR PAY, AND WE'VE ALR SPEND OUR MONEY ON OUR VANS HAHAHA hold up, before you start scolding me, they were having insane offers ok and their wagons were just across of ours and believe me, standing there and seeing the number of your desired shoes getting lesser and lesser on the wagon didn't make it feels better. So bbg and I thought why don't we just buy before we cry when they sold out so yeap.... hahahahhaha and we had Astons for lunch kekeke 10am-10pm in taka is insane, really. Counting down each day after I end work with Cynthia, can't wait for the 27th to arrive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

19th March 2014; Wednesday
DAY #02

Sent meimei to school > Raffles Place > bought Chocolate Chip Cream from Starbucks (which was highly recommended by bbg and it was really nice!!) > Somerset 

It's even worse today, I'm heading over to the Robinsons at Raffles Place for my job itv for my next holiday job at like you know what, 9AM -.- T.T but because of money, I SHALL DO IT. Yea yea you might say I'm money face or money minded or whatsoever but you just can't live in this world without money. Money is everything in this society, in these days, these generations. Believe it or not, this is the harsh truth. I know there's others which are beyond the length of money like family, love etc but in the end, you somehow still need money to bring everything tgt, don't you? Trust me I was once genuinely thinking that money isn't everything, as long as I have the people I love with me and that's all that matters, but without money, I can't afford them to stay with me. Take hospital fees as an example, without money I can't pay for the hospital fees, without money I can't afford to provide the basic necessities for our loved ones to survive, so you see, it's not that I wanna think about money whenever it comes down to all these but sadly this is how the world works. Urgh I just hate how society brings people up with this mentality :( (or maybe it's just Singapore :/) 

OHOH and my ankle went to hit smth against my blister that was caused by my Vans and yeap, I've stopped wearing them :'( Maybe wait till the wound is much better and I'll continue wearing!!!!!!! I can't waste my money just like that!!!!!!! Not to mention that the wound is KILLING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I literally 翘 my leg on the toilet bowl and bathe the entire time making sure that no water touches my wound even when I washed my legs. AND WHEN I THOUGHT WAH FINALLY I'M ALL PROFESSIONAL NOT ALLOWING THE WATER TO TOUCH MY WOUND AND I LIFTED DOWN MY LEG AND ONE DROP, ONEEEEEEEEE FUCKING DROP :'( TOUCHED MY WOUND........... and obviously I shouted like crap in the bathroom. (lucky my parents didn't wake up from my scream but aiya even if the house burn down they also can sleep very soundly one hahahahahaha #factsofthepigfamily) So yea, I just urgh heck care used the hose and sprayed at the wound with me biting the towel and everything hahahaha damn drama hahahaha 

20th March 2014; Thursday
DAY #03

Went down over to Kayln to sign the contract for my confirmed Robinsons at 9am again :( Same routine all over again :( 10am-10pm Went over to coffee bean to get some booster cause I was literally falling asleep at work oh god. AND THE BLISTER ISN'T HEALING WELL :'( and yet time is passing so god damn slow here?!?!!?! But Yan and me found a solution to it MUHAHAHA and that is looking out for funny customers HAHAHA (ok la it's damn mean I know but there were really some ridiculously funny and you can't blame me for that :x) 

1. You know there's this thing that people will do when they wanna see if the shorts can fit their waist and they will just wrap the shorts around their neck? Yeap, there's this guy that actually wrapped so hard that he almost strangled himself to death lol I managed to hold my laughter and everything until his friend burst into laughter and I can't help and laughed as well :/ Sorry. 

2. Ok, next up, the guy I was talking about earlier was measuring pants around his neck right, yes it was perfectly normal cause there's this thing that goes around saying that the circumference of your neck is proportionate to your waist. So there's this guy...... he went to wrap the brief around his neck as well...... idk if it's funny to you but it is to me, bbg and I was laughing our ass off, as in like got people measuring briefs like that one meh?!?!??! 

oh yea and on a side note, I told Cyn about it, and she said smth even funnier, 

Me: HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA WTF NO! SIAO IF THE DICK SIZE EQUIVALNET WITH THE SIZE OF THE NECK THIS WORLD HAVE ALL GONE WRONG ALR (like can you imagine the dick size is the same thickness as your neck?!?!? like siao one, the shorts all confirm explode all hahahahaahahhahaha)

3. I guess everyone should have seen this barcode fringe guy in social media before. Ok, wait let me google his pic for you. 

Yeap this is the guy. I always thought that I will never get to see these kind of ridiculous thing in my life but YES I DID, TODAY. Bbg and I saw the exact replicate of this guy. Both of us were shocked to see it at first but next second we were both laughing so hard on the floor. The amount of gel he used was INSANE!!!!!! LIKE WOW THE WHOLE HEAD WAS FILLED WITH GEL. What's worse is, he even used a comb and comb them while he was walking and that point of time bbg and I can't even laugh anymore harder I swear we almost died of laughing. (bbg tried taking a photo of him but he was too far away and all the pics were blur cause we can't stop laughing lol) 

4. So there's this Indonesia guy (I think he is about 15/16 years old) that always never fails to come down to our wagon everyday and ask if we have anything new. Ok frankly speaking, the Quiksilver items we had on sale were those that were unable to sell off and we decided to sell them here at 50% off so sales isn't that good cause the shirts were, umm yea. But this guy swept all of our clothes. He got most of the items and asked if they were anymore. So bbg and I assumed he was some Quiksilver's fan and creepy at the same time cause every single time when he came down he was wearing the same outfit?! (as in really, same shirt same berms same shoes). Okay so as we were talking about him, wondering if he will come down today as well, bbg said to me: "ji bai siao liao" (hokkien) I was like, "huh how come?", so as I turned my back, .. HE BROUGHT HIS BROTHER DOWN WEARING THE EXACT SAME SHIRT, SAME BERMS SAME SHOES OMG but still we did entertain them cause most of our sales comes from them actually hahahahhaha

Went over to the coffee bean to chill for our break and sofa over there was so shufu (comfy) hahahahahahaha

21st March 2014; Friday
DAY #04 

hahahhaha ok guess what I got coffee bean again hahahaha But they seriously do helps in keeping me awake! 

look at how swollen my eyes were :( 

But thank God for bbg and Cynthia to chat w me to make time pass even faster and before I am bored to death. Oh and I am broke like broke, BROKE. Don't even know where all my money went to omg (ok la actually I know HAHAHAHA hanah hanah is coffee bean la hahahaha but one cup for $8.30 abit overprice hor..) oh and not to mention the transportation fee -.- 老娘 no money to eat alr still need to pay for mrt =.= =.= =.= bought a $3 popiah for lunch instead (ok la still very overpriced for a popiah but better than those food selling at $8) and lucky it was kinda filling and lasted me the whole day hehe 

just me lying on my pile of clothes hahaha

We will always bounce back in order to get our seats in the mrt to sleep. See how tired bbg is. I swear taka is my second home and mrt is my second bed -.- I spend more time being outside thn at home. It's like once I reached home, bathe, sleep, and head out again, like woah that's fast. 

Me: I did smth just now but you cannot angry with me ah.
Bbg: What? You secretly took a pic of me when I was asleep?
Bbg: nevermind la cause I also took one of yours when you were sleeping just now hahahahaha

22nd March 2014; Saturday
DAY #05

COFFEE BEAN AGAIN OMG This addiction is insane omg. Hahahahaha I had make up on for today cause it was a Saturday, I can't possibly letting people see my super cui face but after make up also cui la but whatever moving on hahaha I LOST MY MOM'S EZ-LINK CARD :( but lucky there wasn't much money left in it so yea. What a way to start my Saturday morning :( however on a happier note, we made a couple of friends there including some Aunties (and we will just gossip about the Malay Supervisor :/ but p/s she is super mean ok so cannot judge). Had lunch with Lily and Dexter over at Lucky Plaza and just get to know that Lily is also studying at RP?!?! So we have common topics to talk about hehe Oh and I didn't sleep in the train today cause Cyn and I were stalking some guy being so sweet with his Jiejie and everything HAHAHA can you imagine, we can even stalk people even when the both of us were not tgt hahaha simply just bringing stalking to a whole new level. 

and I just realise all the photo was taken on the escalator hahaha cause the coffee bean is just right beside the escalator and I would take a picture of it before the whipped cream starts to sink 

Had KOI for dinner and I obviously sent this to Weili cause he always does that to me (REVENGE TIME MUHAHAHA) 

23rd March 2014; Sunday
DAY #06

ok fine I did not know coffee bean is making such a great impact on my life now. I've been having them for days now and I can't seem to stop urgh help me :( and they were so fucking expensive?!?!?!?!?!??!?! I wonder if this investment is worth it. :'( 

and I fell during work today :( as usual the first thing I do was to check if anyone noticed but as I thought lucky no one noticed the guy opp our wagon saw the whole process oh god and he was laughing at me :( so I laughed back and act like nth happen but urgh my knee was hurting so bad and I got an orhceh when I went home to check after work urgh so embarrassing and bbg did not even comfort me cause she said you should be used to it alr, falling down is like a standard routine in your life lol 

24th March 2014; Monday
DAY #07

Remaining 3 days, let's go. Didn't know why the air-conditioner on that day was so god damn cold and I borrowed the hoodie from the brand beside us. Oh and did I mention that the songs played in taka square were driving the both of us crazy?!?!? There were only 3 songs in the playlist and in the beginning I was still telling Yan like eh not bad still got music for us to listen, but now I'd rather there will be no music at all omg I just wanna puke whenever I hear any of the songs in the streets now. Ok wait back to the hoodie, the auntie beside us was like "xiaomei, just buy, its very nice, you should buy" and I was like "omg should I??????" but nope I didn't get it at last, cause firstly, ummmmm I have no money hahahahahha and secondly I have spent a rather decent amount of money on coffee bean and I cannot afford to spend any further but I definitely have to make full use of it when I get to wear it hehe (SPAM ALL THE PHOTOS WHOOP)

AND OMG COFFEE BEAN AGAIN WALAO Now that I'm writing this post I'm really regretting alr :( but this time round I tried the double chocolate and it was kinda nice hahahahhahaa

Since we have no money for our dinner we brought snacks from home instead hahahaha AND SPEAKING OF SNACKS MAKES ME FURIOUS URGH Mommy bought some cookies for me for lunch so I decided to split them into half, some for my lunch and some for my dinner. Okay so as I was eating my portion for the lunch, I saved more for my dinner cause I get easily hungry in the night. So yeap I went to the toilet and wash my hands and everything and went back to work. As I was looking forward to my break time (ok that's practically what we do everyday) I just realised that I left my cookies in the toilet when I was washing my hands. Bbg went to look for it and it wasn't there :( and there goes my dinner :'( and I even saved more for my dinner URGH CURSE THE PERSON WHO TOOK IT ok la maybe it was the cleaner who threw it away by doing her job but still if someone actually took it and ate it.. you better watch your back gal. hahahaha a hungry woman is an angry woman.  

and I got $1 ice cream kekeke

Just look at my face, I can't take this anymore. 

25th March 2014; Tuesday
DAY #08

Dexter: A new hat for your head. 

Bbg bought snacks again hehehe and this time round is the delicious green tea kitkat

so loved to have mommy's cooking for both lunch and dinner hehe this was what's left for my dinner portion cause same thing I split them into half for both breaks. It's been too long since I last ate my mom's food and still, it taste the best hehe

Lily & Dexter

26th March 2014; Wednesday
DAY #09

YAY IT'S THE SECOND LAST DAY!!!!!!!!! SO LOOKING FORWARD TO TMR!!!!! HEHEHE and another embarrassing thing happened again (what's new) Today Yan went home earlier, so leaving me all alone in the night. Dragged myself to the mrt and finally, getting to sit down and sleep. And and and............ I was just being way too comfortable and I drooled hahahhahahahhahahah fml hahahhahahahha but what's worse was that when I woke up and clean myself up secretively after realising it, I made eye contact with the guy sitting in front of me. FML REALLY. He must have seen the whole process of me drooling, and everything T.T but its ok as what Cyn said, I will not get to see him again so its ok hahahahaha but srsly these embarrassing incidents should stop occurring to me T.T

Thank you bbg for helping my get KOI (cause she said I should really stop spending my money on coffee bean hahaha) 

Mommy's beehoon for lunch and dinner hehe 

the orhzut that tasted so nice hehe

bbg brought a bag of kitkats for me hehe so loved

27th March 2014; Thursday
DAY #10


Just wearing my elmo shirt to conquer the last day of work with me hehe

Bbg: You know what, I long time never wear other colours alr, I miss white, pink everything but black. :(
Me: HAHAHAHAHA OMG YEA SIA I hate black now hahahahaha

Mommy prepared my fav taoyouba and hotdogs hehehe

just KOI for my last day of work (was supposed to get coffee bean instead but bbg don't allow so yeap KOI it is hahaha)

bbg got free chicken rice at her coffee shop for our dinner hehe (LIKE SO GOOD HOR they can always eat chicken rice for free, still can add egg and other ingredients for free eh) 

AND YES HEHEHE WE'VE MADE IT THROUGH TGT BBG :') 10 days of torture, 120 hours of standing, 7200 mins of wanting to give up, 432,000 seconds of us making through this together hehe YAY HEHE however just the thought of having the need to work for the Robinsons for 6 days straight next week scares me :( but its ok we'll get through this tgt like how we did for taka. Gambatte!

Yes, I know today is the day I've been longing for, but why when the day really arrived, I'm not happy at all? Every night I never fail to scroll my photo album, from the times when I was as young as 1 day old, to the times at primary school, secondary school, till now. I just discover how easy it is in life to part ways with people forever. That's why when you find someone you wanna keep around, you do something about it. However, sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you just can't keep them by your side. 

Loved Desiree, xoxo 

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