Thursday, January 30, 2014

Journey w Y2S2: New Year's Eve

30th January 2014

Ok, so that morning was kinda shocking for me hahahaha my alarms were ringing away crazily and I couldn't manage to drag myself outta bed but just one text from Edmund, MY EYES LIERALLY WENT WIDE OPEN HAHAHAHAHA but still I went to school late, AGAIN...... Had our first break over at TRCC with the people. Thank you Des for being so gentlemen and ordered for me. Didn't manage to finish up the spagetthi cause I somehow tasted milk in there (which I can't eat/drink or I will go vomiting like hell). But 'cause everyone seemed to finish their share plus Kevin also asked me why I didn't eat and shouldn't waste it so I still stuffed a couple of mouths in the end. As usual, we followed the guys to the smoking area, not smoke but take photos LOL OHOH AND IDK WHY THE FLOOR IS DAMN DISGUSTING!!!!!!!! THERE WERE LIKE MILLIPEDES EVERYWHERE OMG SUPER GROSS OMG cause as those people who knows me I AM REALLY AFRAID OF SNA___ (eww I can't even spell the whole word out it just grossed me out urgh yuck yuck) and millipedes are like the mini version of them so its just URGH T.T and Kevin was like "Desiree!!!!! There's one on your leg!!!!" and obviously I was jumping around freaking out and all. -.- LOL and I tripped on my own slippers for like the nth time that day and Kev always shouted "Careful!~" without fail. :) So as we were walking along the side of the road Edmund was like "Auntie 可以走进去一点吗? 等一下车一来撞下去 人家的油出一桶 你的是两桶 你的肉也比人家的多 leh 麻烦那些 ambulance 的人" hahahaha he just has his own ways in expressing his concern and all. (I THINK HAHAHA OR MAYBE I THINK TOO MUCH WTF HAHAHAHA OK WHATEVER HAHAHAHA)

Started spamming photos AGAIN hehehehe but of course after we've all finished our BI. Ohohoh have to really thank Samantha here for being such a great help hehe thanks to her, Kevin, Des and I managed to finish it YAY HEHE So before CY left for his Malaysia hahahaha we definitely have to take a couple of shots before we go right cause it will be like 3 days before we see each other again. Hug hug super duper tight together before he left the both of us.

As Cyn and I was chatting away with Des, we saw him fixing his hair with his webcam and it's definitely a sign hahahahahahha soooooo........ we had our photo-taking mode on. HAHA But due to Des lousy com hahahahaha the photos cannot be saved and all so we used Kev's laptop instead. As we 3 were posing and everything Samantha was sitting there laughing as though she's watching a movie LOL and not to forget Des really looked so alike as the Korea/Japan president with his centre parting hahahahhaha NOT TO MENTION THAT WE ALL HAVE THEMES FOR EACH PHOTOS HAHAHAHAHA SO HERE GOES HAHAHA

the normal look

the say-cheeseeee look

follow-Desiree-pose  LOL 

act-cute look

the-what's-wrong-with-you face


different hairstyles

the guai-guai-meet-the-parents look HAHAHAHA

no-expression; classic-class-photo look

the open-your-mouth face

follow-Desmond-pose look

the ultimate-epppppppppp look hahaha

step-models-look-at-different-directions photo

the PIG look

the centre-parting family hahahhahaha

the act-model-model-open-the-mouth-with-heads-up-high look
hahahahahhaha which I obviously failed so badly omg hahahahahha

After taking this photo Edmund was like Desiree so this is the 传说中的 笑到连眼睛也不见掉 issit! HAHAHA

the centre-parting look

the 自由发挥 look hahahaha


 the its-all-about-the-mouth look

the ACT CUTE face hahaha

the buay-song; wanna fight face HAHAHA
I forgotton about the theme at first and was smiling so happily and Cynthia was like "EH DESIREE EVERYONE GIVE BUAY SONG FACE YOU DOWN THERE LAUGH SO HAPPILY FOR WHAT HAHAHAHAHAHA"

the BUNNY BUNNY photo

It was EDMUND'S IDEA TSKTSK but to clarify I really have dimple ok!!!! Well technically mine it's called the 梨窝 and not 酒窝 come come I show you all HAHAHAHA
 ok la it's so not obvious :( :( :( I give up -hopes dashed :'(-

the flower pose hehehe hahahaha

the so-cold photo

the its-raining-shelter pose

Told Kev Des and Cyn about goon ma and yohma and they we laughing away LOL Walked to inter with Kev Edmund Cyn and Vernon. Didn't manage to hughug tightly but still at least we hugged hahahahhaahahhahahhahaha so I'm happy enough HAHAHAHA

Made our way down to goonma house for first round of dinner and thn to yohma's. How funny when one of the cousin asked whose crabmeat is this and everyone just turned their head to me instantly and shouted "AH GIRL!!!" hahahaha even when I reached yohma's house he first thing Silas korkor said to me was "Ah girl I bought your favourite crabmeat just for you, must eat finish all ok!!!" Hehehehe feel so loved and all hehe even Kevin also knows about it LOL

really love to have decorations in the house for different occasions hehe

mumm mumm

yes I know how to ride a scooter talented right hahahahaha

Silas Korkor

meimei feeling so so tired and slept during the whole journey

Loved Desiree, xoxo 

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