Thursday, December 19, 2013

Journey w Fam: Off to the Sea

15th December 2013 - 18th December 2013

So basically I went to the cruise for my holidays this time round. Not really looking forward to this coming trip and not really sure the reason why, maybe cause its just the beginning of the holidays and I can't get to see all of my cutiepies. I really miss them :( WALAO NOW SPEAKING OF THEM I MISS THEM ALR LA *SOBS* Okokokokok stop Desiree lol so as I was saying…….. It was a rather last minute decision for this short trip as my holidays always tends to be different with my sis and the rest of the cousins. Lucky there was this week where we were all free and so yeap, cruise it is. Dad was initially thinking of bringing us to HK for a week or so for the holidays but cause the time we had were kinda tight plus the holidays were already nearing and all the other tours package have been fully booked. :( Next year, maybe next year hehe (but thn again, sadly coming to think of FYP gosh) I'll probably just stay in S'pore alone, but it doesn't sounds like a bad thing 'cause I can always ask my friends to come my house and PARTY right hahahah *smurk + tiko face* hahahahahaha ok I should just calm down lol it's still a long way to go, let's get back to the cruise. P/S It is kinda boring & there's really not much to talk about so just enjoy the pictures (of me hahahaha) ok haha, so here goes.


waking up real early feeling so damn tired (plus I went ZoukOut the day before gosh, can you imagine oh god)

sorry pls bear with me hahaha 

so YEAP, we've reached Habourfront and had our breakfast over at Mac while waiting for Yiyi and cousins to arrive.

this is how much my sis hates taking pics with me :( (don't wait until Jiejie die alr thn you regret horh hahahhahhaha jkjkjkjkjk)

nvm so let's just continue with me instead lololol (see, it's not I wanna take all the pics of myself ok, cause nobody wanna take with me lor)

so it's time to board the ship wheeeee~

- Celeste Tan Siya -

I just couldn't stop taking photos with the mirror in the lift lol it's like always calling me "Desiree come Desiree lol"

a pretty small bunk (it is a double-deck bed on the right, so yeap, I'm sleeping on the top, and that's where I lie there every night and scroll our pictures to sleep )': )

hahaha yes I sneak into other people's room :x I'm sorry :/ 

This is like the open area at the top of the ship, there's like a 2m deep pool in the centre. It's damn deep I swear and to those ppl that don't know, I know how to swim, but... I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO TRAP WATER YES FML LOL so I was like clinging onto the side of the pool like some idiot hahaha but there will always be this live band who would be singing a couple of songs and I'll just be in the water listening to them and I kinda like the ambience hehe

oh there's this slide as well

not forgetting the Jacuzzi 

Ok so there's a couple of restaurants there and this is one of them. It's called Mediterran or smth somewhere along the line hahaha


just look at my sis face *facepalm*

we went to the arcade as well




ok -warning alert- there will be a bunch of photos of me so you can just jolly well scroll the shit down hahaha cause I upload the photos in a bulk and I'm just too lazy to filter them out lol

ohohohoh I'm preparing to go for a swim in that pool on the first day hehe

this was at the outside of the whole indoor thing, wanna just take a step outside from some fresh air :) 

not to forget the wind here outside was INSANE omg hahaha

I was missing the fuck outta you guys here PLUS THERE IS NO WIFI WHAT IS THIS I'M DYING AT THAT POINT OF THE DAY I SWEAR

It was just the perfect timing when we went out as the Sun was about to set and I got a really pretty view of it. :) 

So we went for our dinner and here's a couple of our dishes: 

AND YOU KNOW WHAT THESE GUYS CAME AROUND AND WENT "What song do you wanna hear?" and Uncle Johnson was like "(shouted some really nice song which I've forgotten the name of the song hahahahahaha forgive me)" and so they played it really well ^^

not forgetting to get a shot with them hehehe hahaha (was so afraid that the photo may turn out ugly cause I wasn't having my makeup on but lucky its still bearable hahahaha)

I recorded a video of them singing but sadly it can't be uploaded why oh why

and there's a couple of videos that can't be uploaded as well :( 

so during the night we decided to chill at one of the coffee area and we ordered several cups of our own desired drinks, as for Celeste and I we both ordered hot chocolate and we didn't knew that it came in a flask and I can't finish it so we ended up playing some games in order to finish it up hahaha

Ok so there's a couple of photos with my sis & you know why she wants to take photo cause..
Meimei: -saw me munching the chips away- Jiejie I also want potato chips.
Me: If you want thn you must take photo with me ok? 3 photos for 12 potato chips DEAL OR NO DEAL?
Meimei: Huh 12 so little only…….
Me: Okay, I give you the whole thing but when you take the photo must have expression one.
Meimei: DEAL 


meimei seriously have to maintain la hor hahahhahahahhaha

hahahahha wtf so young know the duck face alr omg hahahahahha


we had like banana split (all time favorite and some triple chocolate thingy hahaha)

I'll come back to the story of this Hokkien Mee in awhile hahahaha

ok cause it is really boring in the ship, Mom allowed me to do pedicure hehe but its the normal one which is like $68 which is damn ex for a normal pedicure. Meimei and Celeste did it as well and the poor guys have to sit there for hours just to wait for us girls LOL yeap, so I saw this really nice looking angmoh and Mommy and I shared the same glance and without saying she just asked me to go over and took a pic HAHAHAHA MOTHER AND DAUGHTER TELEPATHY OR WHAT HAHAHA

DINNER TIME!!! …AGAIN You know what, I've been like having 6 meals a day in the ship oh god, coming to think of it, WOW 6 MEALS MAN, DESIREE, YOU REALLY DAMN ZAI I SWEAR. Ok, let's just see what I've eaten just on the second day itself.

Woke up late and the breakfast was over so beginning to munch potato chips (not that I'm a fan of potato chips but that's what they have and sell in their shops lol) away > Later not too long, we had like our lunch at the Mediterran area, with fried rice, curry and some fish fingers > got really giddy and had the ice-cream I was referring to before > meimei had a really strong cravings for french fries so we went to had some western food and I had like some buffalo wings > later just 1 hour later, Mommy wanna eat something and we shared Hokkien Mee (yes, which is the one on top) > and NOW WE ARE EATING SOME BBQ BUFFET FAT OR WHAT MY STOMACH LITERALLY FEELS LIKE EXPLODING OMG DON'T JUDGE ME OK :( I'm not really having a lot of food now ever since I came back to Singapore alr.. haha

ohohohoh this was the pool I'm talking about!!! 

the view was really nice during the night :) 

oh I think we went to Phuket for a really short while as well and THANK GOD, there's Wifi there LOL I'm happy enough to just use for that few minutes :) 

yeap, so that was about it for the second day. ^^


this is my room number

went to some place called Langkawi (I think……..?) bought like a whole bunch of chocolates back lol

Don't judge me with this pose cause the dress flair flair so must do this pose hahahhahahha

Celeste Tan Siya

Elsie Daisy Tan

Julian Tan

hahahaha yes now you understand why I say I like to take with this mirror in the lift? This is how much I like it hahaha

watched some really nice shows again hahaha this group was DAMN GOOD I SWEAR 

I know I got the potential to be a bike girl, don't like that, hahhahahahhahahahha 

so heap EAT AGAIN LOL having some really nice champagne as well heh

I really love hugging, be it people or soft toys, you give me, I'll hug it hehehe

Just a couple of dishes at dinner didn't really took all of them cause the food was already touched when I was about to take them.. 

a really beautiful sky :) 


Loved Desiree, xoxo 

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