Friday, December 13, 2013

Journey w Y2S2: Botak Jones


I've finally live up to the promise of going to Botak Jones with Kevin and guysz yesterday hehehe but of course let's just give the credits to Desmond cause he's the one who initiated first SO YEAP so basically Desmond drove us in his lorry to Botak Jones hehehehe sitting lorry is always so fun still remembered those times when I sat Auntie Kat's lorry hahahaha but the thing is I'm forever wearing dresses and they are just not the right outfit for sitting at the back of lorry oh god. However thanks to the super gentlemen (Kevin, Edmund, CY, Vernon & Des) we girls have, helping us to get up the lorry (be it helping me to take the water bottle, telling me if my leg has stepped on the steps correctly), covering our heads so that we will not knock onto that metal thingy (but sadly I still did knock on it la walao super pain lor pls) and not forgetting the fish rack (not sure what is that called hahaha) for us to sit hehehe

Really love the feeling of how we can eat, laugh, joke around together. Sometimes I just feel like all the happy moments just got to slow their pace down. I really don't want all these to end so quickly :(

Loved, Desiree xoxo 

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