Sunday, July 25, 2010

Journey w Darlings: 15th with Chinese Dancers

Have not been updating for the past few days. I was waiting for siankeng to tag me the pics before I post, so here I am posting after she had just tagged me :D

Saturday was a tiring day man! I slept late in the friday night and was completely forgotten about the cca training I had on the next day ( Sat ) when the reminder from my calendar reminded me. Sadly, my training starts at 8am in the morning to 12pm. 4 hours! 4 hours of sleep in the morning simply just gave it to training. ( As I often slept till 12+ during saturdays. Hehe :P ) And you know, we ran 20 rounds, maybe more, in the dance studio because we did not have the energy doing our warm up exercise! This is like so mormal. 8am leh! Who not tired.. But, really, we get "energized" and continue doing our streching, sit-ups and push-ups.

On that day, DINO DANICA also gave me birthday presents. Aww ~~ So sweet of her :D She made me man-made cookies with my name on it! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY! ^^ Thank youuuuu :D

After training, went out with family to celebrate birthday and ate Jack's Place for dinner.

Daddy bought me a new bed.
Mummy bought me clothes.
Relatives and Ah Ma gave me hong bao. ( use it to buy bra.. heh )
Loved, Desiree ♥

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