Thursday, July 22, 2010

A Day w Me: Mixed Feelings

Happy ~~ There is NO CCA tmr! Yippee~ *Jump for Joy!!*
And I've finished my hmk! At last, it seems to take decades to finish these piles of hmk. Phew! *Cleans sweat away*
And And! The class will be ending early at 1.30pm! GREAT!

But then, BAD NEWS. Mr Q didn't want to tell us if we have A Math test tmr even though we have lesson observation. :( He very horrr...
Next, since there is no CCA tmr, there will be CCA on SATURDAY!! WTF?! Crazy leh. I still thought I still have a chance to skip CCA. Too bad.
Since tmr ends early, we will be missing another lesson for SS! Its like alr the Nth time? How are we suppose to catch up our syllabus when our common test is just right at the corner? Somemore we've only just started, JUST STARTED, our Sri Lanka. Pathetic! What are happening to our class? Our pace is getting slower and slower. We must put in double effort, no, triple effort! I hope the class can do this too. If they can't, I really have nothing to say.
Alright! Bye Bye, time to turn in! Good Night & Sweet Dreams peeps ^^

Loved, Desiree ♥

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