Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Journey w Y2S2: 19th

25th, 26th July 2014

Soooooooooooooo at around 11.42pm (I was alr asleep at that time) I received a call (the 3rd call to be exact) from Edmund asking me to go down and pei pei him cause he was meeting his friend for Mahjong near my house but they haven't reached yet. (Now as I recall I couldn't believe that I was actually falling for that omg 笨死 LOL) Yeap so I was like okokokok let me go wash my face first and took the lift down to find him. So we chatted for awhile and suddenly TADA don't know Vernon came out of no where and scared the death of me (and Edmund hahaha) thn I saw Cynthia and seconds later CY jumped out from the place where we were sitting. Ok honestly I was abit blur blur of what's happening and from what I recall, it felt like fireworks coming out here and there like ping (Vernon appeared), pong (Cynthia appeared), piang (CY appeared) everyone just jump out of nowhere HAHAHAHA Oh and sorry for wearing until super lapsup LOL

However I'm really happy of course plus nobody actually came to my house to surprise me before (ikr sibei sad) so I'M LIKE WAH WAH WAH GENUINELY TOUCHED LA. Although the reaction I gave was like Thank Yous and HAHAHAHA (but becos I was really in the sleeping mode also hahaha) but deep down I really appreciate you guys for coming all the way down from Pasir Ris, Bedok and CCK just to surprise me. 

1. Thank you for coming down just to celebrate my birthday on the 12 and to make this surprise happened for me!!!!! Hehehe
2. Sorry for worrying your Mummy when you are still at my house 3 in the morning. 
3. Thank you for making me feel so blessed!!!!!!!
4. Thank you for making everything better for me. :') 

1. Thank you for coming all the way down from Pasir Ris to my house to make this surprise happened! :)
2. Thank you for getting me that hot water (altho it's like a few cents but I'm still thankful!) at the coffee shop.
3. Thank you for making me laugh at ALMOST EVERYTHING LOL
4. Sorry for letting your gf worrying about you at home.
5. Sorry for missing your both calls that night. 

1. Thank you for coming all the way down from Pasir Ris to my house to make this surprise happened! :)
2. Thank you for getting that Awfully Chocolate Cake for me keke
3. Sorry for not being able to on my TV for you to play the XBOX lol (dk what's wrong w the control :( )
4. Sorry for not having some medical oil for you to apply when you sprained your back while fighting w CY lol
5. (Oh and THANK YOU for breaking my Polaroid kniap kniap hahahahhaa jkjk) 

1. Thank you for coming all the way down from Bedok to my house to make this surprise happened! :)
2. Thank you for making me laugh so hard (about the 配套 'A' HAHAHAHA) that night, it's been so long since I had a huge laugh :D


lol the come-to-my-house-confirm-to-do thing

(Pardon my photography skills for the cake here)

 28th July 2014

YAY YAY YAY so today was the day where I get to celebrate my birthday w Le' Cutiepies!!! (well that happened only after I met Cynthia and CY. Ok we'll get to that later.) Yeap so I met Cynthia at Woodlands and we began the blind mrt journey LOL Cynthia was like asking me to close my eyes, spinning me round and round before hopping into the train cause she don't wanna let me know where we were heading, like the mystery mystery journey ya'know, get it? don't get it? Ok nvm haha Moving on, we arrived and were waiting for CY 少爷 to arrive hahahaha Not long after, we saw him carrying the helium balloon across the road. At that point I was really happy la cause firstly I LOVE HELIUM BALLOONS hahaha, secondly, seeing 一个大男人 holding a helium balloon looked kinda funny hahahaha but he still did it anyways so YEAP THANK YOU!!!! 

So as we were walking....

Cynthia: So what are we having for lunch?
Me: I'm fine w anything uh!
Cynthia: I feel like eating fish eh. CY you leh?
CY: Ummmmmm y..e..a..... I feel like eating f..i..s..h

This was when I feel there's smth weird going on LOL and my palms began to sweat like MAD LOL so we went into Fish & Co. and yeap as I mentioned earlier on, everyone sat there. I was feeling really ps at that point but I'm thankful as well that everyone was able to turn up HEHEHE

After lunch everyone sang happy birthday song for me and YAY kinda happy HAHAHAHAHAHA and its PICTURE TIME KEKE

Cynthia aka Bao
1. Firstly, definitely have to thank God for being able to meet you in my life! Hehe
2. A HUGE THANK YOU for planning this whole thing for me. (12am surprise > everyone appeared on the 28th > making the card w really inspirational words)
3. Thank you for writing that huge chunk of words and advices after you've seen my ahem and yeap I definitely will bear those words in mind!!
4. Thank you for choosing the cake for me keke
5. Lastly, woaini XX (ok la abit too mushy but 久久 say once nvm la hor HAHAHAHA)

Coco aka 大姐大
1. Thank you for making time to come down just to celebrate my birthday even though you are rushing for your FYP!
2. Thank you for always being the 大姐大 and looking out for me!!! Hehehe
3. 你自己也是要永远开心哦!

Desmond aka Des Bro
1. Thank you for making time to come down and celebrate my birthday even when you had to collect your lorry/car/the thing (where the back of the lorry became at the front) lol
2. Thank you for writing that paragraph of words and it really touched me plus SIA LA your sentence structure quite good eh!!!! (or you Google one HAHAHA ok la I trust that you wrote it yourself!!!) Cause honestly I didn't know that you were that good in your words hahahaha so really APPRECIATE IT!!

1. Thank you for making yourself available on that day to celebrate my birthday!!
2. Thank you for paying for the cake!!!!!! (I think) Cause everyone left.. until waiter came out lol
3. Thank you for writing that paragraph of wishes!! :) 
4. I am grateful enough to be able to meet you in my life as well!
5. Sorry that my Dad didn't reply after asking him if you could join his clan (plus you so zai confirm damn power all where got the need to have others right hahaha)

1. Thank you for making yourself available on that day to celebrate my birthday!
2. Thank you for choosing the cake for me keke
3. AND YES I saw what you've had written on the card but nope it's not gonna happen LOL but still THANK YOU!
4. (It's still so funny when I recall the time when you're walking out of the toilet with the super wu seh kind and CY scared the shit outta you hahahahaha) Edmund: "WAH 第一次知道你的眼睛可以睁到这样大" HAHAHAHA

1. Thank you for making yourself available on that day to celebrate my birthday!!!
2. Thank you for getting the balloon!!!! (All time fav hehe :D)

1. Thank you for making yourself available on that day to celebrate my birthday!!!
2. Thank you for the wishes that you and your gf had wrote :)
3. Thank you for always being the one who pay first (LIKE ALWAYS)
4. Sorry for the long wait you had at the restaurant.
5. Sorry for not taking 'THE' pictures you wanted LOL (next time I help you spam zuizui ok HAHA)

IN ALL I AM PRETTY HAPPY THAT I'M ABLE TO CELEBRATE MY BIRTHDAY W THESE AWESOME PEOPLE. OHOH and THANK YOU for the treat from you guys which I'm really sorry that I didn't manage to finish it up :( None of this would have happened without the appearance of each and every one of you!!
(and you can skip alr, the rest is just me showing my obsession over the balloon and card LOL)

No words can describe how thankful and blessed I am for having them as my friends (well at least for now, no one knows what will happen in the future right :( but at least 我曾经拥有过 HEH) in my life.

Loved Desiree, xoxo 

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