Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Journey w Marcus: Pink Dot

Went to meet Marcus for some catching up session plus he had a coupe of things to tell me so yeap. Headed home after work first before meeting him because his work ends at like 9pm?????? n top of that his workplace is kinda far (I think) and by thn he reach Woodlands its alr so late. Ok leaving that aside, we went for Gelateria Italia for ice-cream cause he was craving for it.

Of course we dive right in into his life and hais why are so many of my friends going through so much at this point of time :( Feeling so sad, NOT HAPPY AT ALL, when I see al of them like these :'( Anyways I just hope God can pull and guide them through this hard phase of their life.

Loved Desiree, xoxo 

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