Thursday, June 19, 2014

Journey w Yan: Farewell before HK

Went to meet bbg before she flies to hk tmr. Headed over to town (AGAIN LOL) and went to had llao llao eversince bbg had hers the other time and I did not manage to get it so ULTIMATE GOAL FOR THAT DAY: DIE DIE ALSO MUST EAT LLAO LLAO hahaha so yeap we got it and here it is. 

This is like the best yoghurt I had in my life. It is incomparable to the ones at Yoguru/YAMI Yogurt. This big whole cup of yoghurt just costs me $6.50 only. (Including of 3 choices of fresh fruits, 1 crunch and 1 choice of syrup out of the wide varities to choose from.) AND I TELL YOU THE CHOCOLATE SYRUP WAS LIKE ERMAHGAWDDDDDDDDD the chocolate syrup will turned harden and crispy like the Macd Choco Cone chocolate like omg damn nice I think I'd not eat any other yoghurt other than this one. Really. Another thing is that after eating this, I will not be as sinful compared to me eating some other ice cream hahahaha

Did some shopping here and there again and of course the catching up thingy that we will always have. Urgh but still I'm really sad that I cant go HK w them :'( (URGH WHY INTERN WHY SUPER BURDEN HMPH) Please end intern quickly, can't wait to be done w intern. 

As we were walking pass this whole stretch of bars, they gave a really nice smell of steaks (although I don't eat them but still it smells SO NICE) and we decided to go look for food HAHA So we came across the restaurant MEDZS and we headed right in. I feel that the prices was rather reasonable for the better food quality in return and the ambiance was romantic, chilly, a really suitable place to chill and enjoy your food real slowly. 

Went on to watch the Edge of Tomorrow w bbg again. And so we actually enjoyed our food for too long and ended up reaching the theater way past the time for the movie but as we sat down the movie magically just started (SUPER HENG PLS) hahahahaha It was really a movie that is worth to watch the second time. 

Went home tgt afterwards and we had our usual mrt seats hahahaha but omg the journey way home is SO SO LONG but taking pics is definitely a way to pass time real quickly HAHAHA 

So yeap, missing you back here in S'pore. Please come back in one piece and don't be late when you're on your way to the airport horh pls HAHAHAHA Take care XX

"When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile."

Loved Desiree, xoxo 

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