Monday, March 17, 2014

A Day w Me: Raining Cats & Dogs

17th March 2014; Monday

Bras Basah > Somerset > Smoothie King > f21

Went to my intern company to sign some letter of appointment regarding my internship this coming April. Speaking of internship, I'm lucky enough to have Raihanna to be in the same intern company as me :) at least there's someone that I know and will not be alone hahahaha moving on, the weather on that day is insane. How great it is when it decided to rain so heavily before I head out in the afternoon =.= so I brought out my fav Mr Men & Little Miss brolly with me and guess what I DID NOT EVEN OPEN IT, MUCH LESS USING IT. I just realised there's shelter to the busstop, realised that the rain stopped when I reached Bras Basah, but when I'm in the bus on the way home from Yishun, it started raining cats and dogs again, thinking that my brolly can finally come to use but no, it stopped when it was like 3-4 stops away from my house (MAJOR =.=|||) so yeap I did not even get a chance to show people my pretty umbrella hahahaha ok I know that's not the point but.. hahahhahaha

The signing of the letter took less than 5 mins, so much for travelling all the way from Woodlands to Bras Basah but thank God my internship would be at JE :') but I still have to make my way down to Bras Basah for my first day of intern urgh nevermind cannot complain, one day is better than everyday. So obviously I would not just travel for an hour or so to bras Basah, spending my time there for 5 mins go home right?!?!??! (must make good use of the time I have over there hahaha) Thus I made my way down to Somerset to do some decent shopping kekeke tbh shopping alone isn't that bad and I kinda like it :/ hahaha SO YEAP got myself Smoothie King and a dress over at f21. (was thinking of getting both dresses but I've gotta resist my urge of spending my money on dresses so I just got one instead :( )

Bought this in the end for $29. 

Just as I thought today is gonna be a bad weather day, Mommy called and told me that we're gonna have steamboat for dinner tonight cause it would be perfect to have them in these kind of weather (so as she claimed but I think it's because she is lazy to cook hahahahahaha) So we had a rather super simple steamboat for dinner heh 

Loved Desiree, xoxo 

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