Friday, February 21, 2014

Journey w Y2S2: The Last Time

17th February 2014; Monday; Last HRIS Lesson
school > cwp > kbox > home

Edmund: Des so hows your Valentine's Day?
Des: WAH You know hor, they have their own Valentine's menu and it cost me like $200++ 
Edmund: AIYA its like that one ma thats why I like to cook at home, 又好吃又便宜
Vernon: Maybe you bring your dad's fish and ask them to cook you can have $20 off hahaha
Des: You know I almost stay there and wash plate for them alr hahaha

AND OMG I'VE FORGOTTEN THE REST OF THE CONVO THAT HAPPENED THAT DAY LOL MY MEMORY'S REALLY FAILING ON ME OH GOD ok maybe I'm just too tired that day so just let the pictures do the talking instead yea heh

ootd shots with them hahahahhahahha

 18th February 2014; Tuesday; Last Marketing Lesson

Really thankful for our Marketing faci to treat us for lunch that afternoon. 

Me: EH I got something I wanna tell you
Edmund: WHAT
Me: My _______________________ (ok let's just keep this censored shall we :) )

OK I'm sorry I've forgotten all the convos we had :( cause its like in little pieces here and there plus I'm a lil' dazed out during this week so I have been very vague with the activities going on around me and I have no idea why lol 

candid shot vs proper shot
both photos make not much difference though haha LOL and they both looked so... hahaha 

 19th February 2014; Wednesday; Last BPM Lesson
Thank you Lina and Kerisa for walking to inter instead of taking 169 hehe

20th February 2014; Thursday; Last day of School
school > partial > Tampines > Fish & Co. > Kevin's > really dark road > fishing area > mac

HEHE went to kop Ifah's balloons hehehehe really really love helium balloons hahaha can never can bored of them despite receiving them on my birthday every year hahahahahahaha

Edmund: EH I just msg you thn you come alr, live woodlands also can be so late
Me: hahahahaha -phone kept ringing-
Edmund: 你怕人家不知道你的电话响啊

Faci: So your name is.. "THERE SEE REE"?
Faci: oh "THERE SEE REE"
Me: =.= (and I totally gave up lol)

ok and I feel damn guilty for asking Kev to put on his ear stud hahaahhahahahahaha cause I was like telling him how guys looked good with ear studs and stuff the day before and he really wore it that day. but whats worse is that his ear actually bled and the blood literally flowed down my thumb when we tried to took it off omg trust me I'm freaking out at that point but obviously I have to stay calm or I might just ripped his ear off haha ok wtf so exaggerating but overall his ears were fine (i think) after sucking all the blood out with the tissue paper which he magically found at idk where near the water cooler. but still I'm sorwie..

and so we decided to partial since most of them were doing it so plus our faci didn't turn up on the last day (TSK WHAT IS THIS) so yea no point. But we definitely have to spam pictures before we leave right hehehehehe so yeap, here goes.

(he's gonna kill me for posting this but relax la no one will read my blog so your picture is safe here hhahahaha)

sho pwincess-sy wheeeee hahaha
(whatever don't judge, let me happy for once hahahaha)

thank you baobei for buying my fav shweet for me kekeke #littlethingsthatmakesmehappy

Weili: LIKE NOW?!?! We are outside the toilet eh
Me: YESSSSS hahahaha 

rode to tampines in Edmund's 
thank you Edmund for the ride hehe
and obviously I slept all the way haha never fails to sleep whenever I'm in a transportation vehicle

how Edmund looks when he orders food hahahaha

and yeap, had my usuals; best fish & chips in town for lunch hehe

say hello to Kevin's kitchen mirror

Thank you Kevin for the drinks and stuff.

CY: 你看他的 cupboard 有两个 luggage 好像可以随时跑路,兄弟说有人来了, 他可以拿了衣服, dump inside his luggage, 从这个窗口爬出去 hahahaahahahhaa
Everyone: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (but srsly damn funny LOL)

haha and we took photo with his chou chou as well lol

in Des' lorry hehe 
really have to thank des for driving us around ok let me tell you his route for that day ok

hougang (his house) > school (woodlands) > T1 > Kev's House > Vernon's bus stop > Edmund's bus stop > went to the prawning area (which unfortunately is closed) and ended up stranding in some ulu ulu dark road > white sands fishing area > fetch her gf from work > back to his own house > recreational area Mac > drop Vernon off at Pasir Ris > drop Edmund off near his house at Pasir Ris > drop CY off at Tanah Merah > drop Cyn off at CCK > drop me off at woodlands > drop Kev off at tampines (lets's just assume this is how the route goes after dropping me off) > back to hougang 

SEEEEEEEE so really have to thank Des here ok hehehe 
not forgetting how hard Cyn and I laughed when Edmund was still talking halfway and Des slammed the lorry's door at him LOL 

had fried rice and my HAWTY HAWTY WATER HEHE

idk why but I love to eat tgt in one big table hehe

had truth/dare session over at Mac with them and was really having fun hahaha
ohohoh and thank you Kev, Cyn and Des for saying my name when they are being told to say a girl that you are 舍不得 of. (ok la idk whether its true or not but I'm still happy enough hehe) and really trust me deep down I'M REALLY SUPER HAPPY ABT IT EVEN THOUGH MY FACE WAS LIKE EXPRESSIONLESS ALL THE WAY HAHAHA OK SO THIS IS HOW MY HEART GOES LIKE WHEN YOU GUYS SAID MY NAME HEHE don't say I always geng my emotions all alr horh hahahhaa

really wanted to throw confettis but so afraid I might just turn my room into a whole complete disaster so I dropped the idea hahahahaha

Really blessed to have these bunch of people to be my classmates for this semester. They are some PRETTY AWESOME BUNCH I WUV YOU ALL. (ok la not all siao, hahahahaha but, aiya you guys know who you are hehe) 

Thank you all for everything that you guys have brought into my life. Be it if it's fun, laughter, joy or anything. I don't have like really superb memory but I'll remember all the small little jokes and words that you people have brought and said to me which never fails to make me go laughing away like crazy. Words can't describe how blessed and thankful I am to have you guys around but you know I love you all so better love me more horh hahahaha muah muah

-Le' CutiePies-
I'm a sentimental idiot and you guys know that. I'll remember all the small little things that you lovelies had done for me, even all the teases that makes me go crazy. Frankly speaking, I really don't mind being the clown and ah buey to be teased around just to trade the smiles and laughter from all of you. It's been an awesome couple of weeks with you people, sometimes I'll still look back to my old posts, the trips and convos we've all had together and they makes me wanna cry :'( ok chill Des chill, ok moving on, things might have changed a little here and there but I still wuv you all ok hehehe yes yes like you all, like Cynthia (YES YOU SIAO SIAO OF COURSE GOT YOU HAHAHA), Edmund, Kevin, Des, CY, Vernon and Coco. Not forgetting to mention that I'm really sorry and I apologize to you guys if I've offended or pissed you in any ways ok. You know I'm really stupid and such a blockhead, talking and blurting things out from my mouth without going through my brain so really really sorry ok. :( OKOKOKOKOK enough of the sorrows, I really really really reallY realLY reaLLY reALLY rEALLY REALLY REALLY SUPER REALLY can't thank God enough for me to be able to meet all of you annoying idiots hehehe ok bye see you guys when I see you guys muah muah 

Loved Desiree, xoxo 

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