Saturday, January 4, 2014

Journey w Y2S2: Back to School

After the holidays I've been down under with like cough, flu, fever and sore eyes. -.- My throat hurts so bad each time I woke up and the pain is so unbearable whenever I swallow my saliva or just have a cup of water. IT'S LIKE I'M SWALLOWING SHARDS OF GLASSES DOWN MY THROAT OH GOD Not to mention how great can my first day of school be with a pair of swollen eyes omg I was still feeling perfectly alright when skyping with CY that night but it started to swell like really fast when I'm heading to sleep. I wonder if it was like what Kevin said, whether it's the dust from my fan SO I WASHED IT LIKE IMMEDIATELY AFTER THAT DAY WHEN I WENT HOME HAHAHA Oh talking about Skyping I just cannot stand CY's accent challenge/when he's reading my archives/when we're challenging Tetris/when he sent me a ton of links of some really funny videos which made me laugh so hard in the middle of the night LOL I literally was laughing my lungs out HAHAHAHAHA I hope he can stay as happy as the times he was skyping :) PLS DON'T BE SAD/EMO/ANGRY/FEELING HOPELESS OR WHATSOEVER OK MUST BE HAPPY MA..... I know sometimes when you asked me to Skype with you, you might be feeling lonely or like starts to think a lot of stuffs so I don't mind spending hours talking to you as long as you don't 胡思亂想. (although we talked for like 4 hours the time we last skyped LOL) OKOKOKOKOKOKOK so let's get back tooooooooooo..... the first day of school!

2nd January 2014

Feeling soooooooo tired but I still manage to get up on time however I nua-ed here and there, lol, so I ended up still arriving to school late LOL On top of that it was like BI (which I don't really like) on that day + having sore eyes + cough + flu = "BEST" COMBO EVA FOR THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL CAN -.- -.- -.- and I'm being all insecure with my eyes cause it's really damn UGLY OMG LIKE SO SO SO UGLY I CANNOT STAND IT. Yeappppp so I was like covering or like winking and doing whatever it takes to not let others see it. (Which apparently it doesn't work and everyone still noticed la hahahaha) The moment I reached school, everyone was looking DEAD HAHAHAHA so when Cynthia arrived we began office communicating (as usual hahahahaha) and she passed me Strepsils for my throat thank you baobei hehehehehe at that point of time I know no shit about what's going on in class plus my EG has smth wrong with it so I was just staring into blank space and of course scrolling Tumblr HAHAHAHA BUT STILL I STILL DID MY SUPPLEMENT WHEN THE ERROR ON EG WAS GONE OK HAHAHA just so I don't feel that useless in class LOL Thank you Marcus for helping me along the way at some areas which I'm not clear of. Yeappp so basically the guys started playing games or Dota or whatever it's called LOL and Kevin was like "DESIREE COME WE DO PROBLEM STATEMENT TOGETHER" so YAY at least there's someone there to do with me (which I kinda like heh) and act as a push or I will just be sitting there nua-ing the whole day. Plus had some really good laugh at small little areas when we're doing together. So there was this stripe of sweet and

Kevin was like "take and eat leh"
Me: Huh, idk is whose eh! Like so bad take their sweet!
Kevin: I think it's Ila's aiya nvm her sweet can eat one. -so he began to take the sweet out and eat it quietly-
Kevin: -taking out another sweet for me- NAH JUST EAT LA NVM ONE
Me: Looking around, faster use his hands and stuff the sweet in my mouth HAHAHAHAHHA

AND AND AND he said the polaroid we took is still in his wallet and I was like *GASP SUPER BIG IN MY HEART BUT APPEARING ALL FINE ON THE OUTSIDE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA* Really thankful cause at least he didn't throw or dump it somewhere else the moment he reached home hahahaha but I doubt it's still in hiswallet now hahahaha ok moving on.

Started doing while referring to 6P HAHAHAHA (don't judge ok the 6P is not even really helpful enough cause it just showed the overall outcome but not the process of coming out with the outcome so it's still counted as we did it ourselves hahahaha) after trying on our own for part 1 we managed to finish hehehehe hahahaha yay feeling so happy cause I got the sense of accomplishment and at least I learn smth from today's class. BUT BUT BUT AS FOR PART 2, DUE TO TIME CONSTRAINT WE ASKED INCHA FOR HELP HAHAHAHA AND YAY WE'VE FINISHED OUR PROBLEM STATEMENT HEHEHE HAHAHAHA well that's basically how it works in RP so yea...... All along I was just sitting with Kevin Cynthia and CY cause my group was kinda ummmmmm... yea........ lol The group I'm in with on that day really plays a pretty big part in keeping myself interested in class so when the team's like boooooo my interest level in class for that day will also be like booooooo but lucky BI was individual so I'm like stuck with them the whole day hahaha ohohoh and the RJ for that day was like "Describe someone in this class that you find interesting or challenging to be with." AND CYNTHIA AND I HAVE THE SAME PERSON IN MIND FOR CHALLENGING TO BE WITH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA IT WAS DAMN EPIC WHEN I WHISPERED TO HER WHO AM I GONNA WRITE AND SHE WAS LIKE "OMG SAME SAME SAME HAHAHAHHAHA" but I did not write that person in the end uh don't wanna be so mean hahahaha SO YEAP Walked to inter with Kevin, Edmund, Vernon, CY and Alvin, hughug, say byebye and went home afterwards. AND AND AND now I feel super safe and secure with them cause there's actually this bike that came towards us and I thought it was gonna hit us so

I went like: - GASP SUPER LOUD-
Kevin: CHILL LEH Don't worry got me. Even if the bike hits us it's gonna hit me first, don't worry, got me got me okay.
Me: -just smiled-

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA but really deep down I FEEL SO WAH WAH WAH THIS GUY SUPER SWEET LOR PLS cause sometimes I don't really know how to react in situations like these so I'll just smile or act like it's all nth but deep down my heart will go like "BOOOOM" ALL THE FIREWORKS FLYING AROUND, PARTYPOPPERS POPPING AWAY LIKE CRAZY, FLOWERS BLOOMING AND ALL HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU :)


3rd January 2014

Ok so moving on to the second day for school, woke up having fever wtf WORST FEELING EVER. But still I went to school, coincidentally met Marcus when I was alighting the bus and coincidentally met Kevin and Edmund when we crossed the bridge. Was late for class again :( but the relieve faci marked us all as present hehehehe :) wasn't feeling really well with all the cough and flu going on and I feel SUPER GIDDY AND BREATHLESS LIKE I'M GONNA FAINT ANYTIME SOON MY GAWD. Thank you Edmund for asking me for break again hehe oh and also for including me in your Sales & Marketing Team for the last 5 weeks although we can't be together :( AND AND AND have to thank Kevin ^^ for office communicating me asking me if I was hungry and all :) XIE XIE NI MEN HEHEHE always feel so loved whenever people concerned about me hahahahahaha That day ended pretty fast, the ws was in a team, watching Edmund playing Dota, (still remember how I always watched __ playing till I fall asleep next to his table lol), Kevin feeling so sad cause no one liked his fb dp but only Samantha so he was like "Edmund and Des you all free? Can help me like my fb dp :(" HAHAHAHAHAHA and yeap that was it nth much in class that day! OHOHOH and thank you Shuting for the sweets and stuff that she got from Japan/Korea/Shanghai LOL Went home with Kevin, Edmund, Coco and her bf, saw Tommy on the way, chatted for a short while and he said they saw my house's lights were on during countdown and were thinking of heading up to find me but they didn't luh but the thing I'm real happy about is that they still did not forget where I live after for so long :') Ok so yes walking with them to inter, really love walking to inter with them than taking 911 straight home from school cause there will always be really nice and funny memories when we walked from school to inter heh so as we were walking

Me: 厕所, 要去吗?
Edmund: NOPE 厕所 不要去! (with a very smug expression and hand gesture LOL)


Me: What if I faint now will you walk away or will you just leave me there alone?


Kevin: "Victoria's Secret bag seh.."
Me: It's alr spoilt, you see!! :(
Edmund: WAH 你看人家都说坏了 很明显就是在 hint liao lor HAHAHAHA


Me: -saying some things-
Edmund: WALAO got things must share one leh don't leave me behind alone


Kevin: DESIREEEEEEEE (omg ok now that I write all these down I just noticed that he likes to call my name and drag it super long and loud hahahahahaha) very tired eh can you make this to a straight path and not slope :( CARRY ME LEH
Me: CARRY YOU?!?!?!
Kevin: WALAO What's that suppose to mean sia
Edmund: -whispering to Coco- (which I can't hear a single shit BUT KEVIN CAN OMG HIS EARS ARE LIKE GENIUS OR WHAT LOL)


Kevin: DESIREE TAKE 969 WITH US TO TAMP AND BACK TO WDLS AGAIN If you do this, this means that you are 够朋友。

SO YEAP HAHAHAHA these are the things that I love, spending our times together laughing and talking nonsense hahahaha REALLY HAVE TO THANK THEM FOR MAKING ME LAUGH AND ALL CAUSE I REALLY LOVE LAUGHING AND SEEING YOU GUYS FEELING SO HAPPY MAKES ME FEEL THE SAME WAY AS WELL HEHE So same thing they took 969 (and Edmund was actually chasing for the bus before that but FAILED HAHAHAHA KEVIN AND I WAS LIKE LAUGHING BEHIND HAHAHAHA OMG OK SORRY I HOPE EDMUND DONT SEE THIS HAHAHAHA) and mine came just in the next second, hughug, say byebye and went home. I was suppose to stayover at Yan's house but cause I don't really feel well so we postponed to next Friday instead which I'm so looking forward to hehehehe and her Mom is gonna cook the 苦瓜 with egg for me, which I only eat the egg and Yan will always be the one eating the 苦瓜 for me hehehehe so loved so loved muah muah hehehehe

P/S I'm writing all my blog posts so in detailed 'cause I'm really afraid that I'll forget all these small little things that they did for me or happened in my life, so I just wanna write it down while they are still fresh in mind and hope I can just look back and laugh in the future when I'm scrolling through all these :) Sorry if I sound very irritating to you :(


Edmund and Shanna

Loved Desiree, xoxo

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