Sunday, December 8, 2013

Journey w Y2S2: My Honour

Umm.. so the reason why I decided to post is to mark down these beautiful moments I had while they are still fresh in my mind and treat it as a reminder for myself of how blessed I am whenever I am feeling down or lost hope in life. Note: This is a pretty lengthy post so.. yeap.

Okay, let's start. I am really thankful and blessed for the people that came into my life recently. Yes, you can't say anything by just knowing them for 6 or 7 weeks but these few weeks have actually made me feel so loved with people like them around me. How I wish I could cuddle the fuck outta them HAHAHAHA Every small little concerns, thoughtfulness, smiles, hugs and jokes really did make my schooling days so much livelier and fun. But again, sadly, these kind of things don't last, not trying to be pessimistic here but trust me I've been through that stage for quite a couple of times but the best is still not leave me laaaaaaaaaaa. *pray super hard* SO I WILL TREASURE AND CHERISH EVEN MORE WHAT I HAVE RIGHT NOW. :')

Recalling back those times when I know none of them (ok maybe except for Cynthia and Lina) and yet we've all come so close together makes me wanna cry :( (sorry omg having pms period getting all easily emotional hahaha) However, there is this thing that has been on my mind for quite awhile and here goes. I am really guilty over this particular guy cause I feel I have neglected him as a friend in this class. Some things are just out of my control and I tried, really, I did show my concern and all but it didn't help so I guess I did not try hard enough.. :( I'm sorry that I couldn't get you involved with the class and let you feel so outcasted.

Okay enough with all the sorrows let's jot down some of the really blessed moments I had for the past month or so.

Firstly, I really am thankful for Lina in introducing Kerisa to me when I first got out from the lift. She never fails to ask me for breaks with both of them whenever she sees me not going down for breaks. I can say that she is probably the first person whom I get close with in this class. Next next, other than just asking me to go for breaks (which I am really really happy about alr) she still bought my favorite gummy sweet for me when I did not ask for. AND OMG THIS REALLY WARMED MY HEART :*

Secondly, my walking-to-school and walking-back-home partner, Marcus. Sadly that happened for a short period of time. Nonetheless, not forgetting those times when you always had to get your sandwich at the bakery shop and introducing all the songs you had to me. On top of that, you still accompanied me to catch 3 peas in a pod and that really informative talk we had during our dinner over at pastamania hahahahaha (if you remembered *insert tiko face* hahahaha) OHOH and we, talking about our past life experiences and all when you walked me back to my house. Thank you for that really awesome days, man.

Thirdly, was the marketing team of mine. DON'T KNOW WHY I'VE GOT SUCH CUTE TEAM MATES. We did our work so hard together while laughing so hard as well. "7 points is ours" - Edmund hahahahhahahaha thankful to have team mates like them :')

-sorry I missed out Zack- 

Coco: - Not forgetting the girl who always take crazy photos with me hahahahhahahah

-Super in love with this photo cause the effect damn nice hahaha credits to Des' phone-

Fourthly, I get to know CY and Cynthia in person. Well technically I alr knew Cynthia beforehand due to last semester but it was only 1 day that we could actually be together thus it's not legit to say that we are close like REALLY CLOSE. God brought us together again during this semester and he definitely has his reasons for doing it so. Ok, wait up, reverse, let's get back to CY, so basically we got really close when CY, Cynthia and I got in the same team in BPM. YEAP, so as I was saying, I believe that this is God's plan for us to be together as a clique. This is one of the most wonderful thing that happened to be in this sem cause believe me I didn't expect CY to be together with us girls. Well, that was what I thought before knowing him (believing that he is the really quiet and humble guy) and now that I know what kind of person he is really inside of him THIS CLIQUE REALLY MAKES SENSE NOW. HAHAHAHAHA we still went for Teoheng and Astons a few days back and we get to know each other even better and I'm glad we did :) I really love how things are progressing between us lately, and getting to know each other well enough that some things just need not need to be said so straight and clear anymore cause we are all in the same frequency yay hahahaha. You know I love you baobeirs. :*

-the first time sitting Edmund's car to cwp-

-super hipster hahahaha-

闪亮三朵花 hahahaha yes even CY :X hahaha

-I look super relax here lol don't know what I was doing-

Last but not least are these 4 guys. Ya'know ~ Don't see me being all crazy, I am still kinda shy at times hahahahahahahaha so I'll just thank you guys here heh


1. Thank you for always driving us here and there. (might be able to help out with your car washing but that's if you get to see this hahahahhahahah)
2. Thank you for your lines ("又肥又累", "做人真难,做男人更难") which never fails to make me laugh hahahahhahahahaha not forgetting the way you speak hokkien, malay and "english".
3. You might not remember this or neither is this important to you but I did and it meant something to me, I really thank you for offering to text and pei pei me while I'm waiting for the bus late at night after the hunger games movie.
4. AND AND AND the time when you asked me if I wanna join Kevin and you to inter. That was really sweet. Xiexieni. I'm truly happy to have you around. :)

I just found out that I only have this pic :( let's take more in the future ;D hahaha


1. One of the most thoughtful guy I've ever met. Still remembered the first ever convo on twitter with you was you replying a super random line ("when dreams came into reality thats when I can touch the sun") I still went to google it lol but really glad that happen cause we talked ever since (I think HAHA)

2. Up next, there was this one time when I accompanied Cynthia for break and coincidentally bumped to both Edmund and you and you offered to buy loklok for me and that is when I thought walao this guy super sweet lor pls hahahahaha (ok I admit I find people sweet very easily hahahaha)

3. oh not to forget the video we made omg hahahahaha

4. small little things that you've said e.g. "what happened, who make you sad we'll punch that guy for you", "walao hen bad leh, nvm I pei you buy", "text me when you reach home", "我陪你走啦", "have you eaten? You want to eat not", "nice fringe", "nice necklace", "nice watch", "be careful uh, don't sleep in the bus", "wah you walk home for what so dark later ah net catch you sia", "ok la reach home safely can alr", "don't go eh, sit with me", "come Desiree we do together", "I still have the photo in my wallet", "Chill leh, don't worry got me even if the bike comes it'll not hit you got me got me", "why you look so sad?", "DESIREEEEEE why you so quiet today?"  (OKAY PAUSE, LET'S GIVE A ROUND OF APPLAUSE FOR MY BRAIN OMG I SWEAR MY MEMORY IS DAMN GOOD HAHAHAHA) he will also have some really childish acts like tap my shoulder super hard and smile idiotically whenever he step into the class, play with my hair and all LOL okay, continue, all these is what I'm thankful for, all these small little things, sometimes are the ones that makes me feel so blessed.

5. LAST BUT NOT LEAST THE SWEET YOU BOUGHT FOR ME. I swear I'm super shocked. -speechless- but still thanks a lot like a lot a lot. Thank God to have people like you. ^^ Lets go have Astons/Botak Jones real soon!!!!


1. Thank you for bringing everyone together as a whole. :)
2. Thank you for bringing so much laughter within us.
3. Thank you for those tips that you gave for slimming omg hahahahhaha
4. Thank you for refilling my bottle that one time.
5. Thank you for being such a big brother (well at least for me)
6. *LAI BRO FIST* lets go fly the super big kite :D


1. Thank you for being the sleepy head which brings so much laughter with all the compiled photos. Especially the one where you bit your lower lips hahhahahahhaha wonder who were you thinking of huh hahahaha
2. Thank you for remembering how hot the way I like my water to be. SUPER GAN DONG PLS
3. Thank you to even bother to share with me your thoughts and what's going through in your life 'cause I really am glad that I am one of the few you that you will speak your mind to. (I THINK HAHA)
4. Sorry that I didn't post yours :( really sorry please forgive me :( come we bro fist, truce ok?

nah one super shuai photo of you to 赔罪

You 4 guys played a pretty big part in my laughters I swear.


P/S If you guys see this pls don't tell me about it, let's just all keep these within our hearts HAHAHAHHAHAH cause to be honest I will feel damn ps so YEAPPPPP

Loved, Desiree xoxo 

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