Friday, December 27, 2013

A Day w Me: Negativity

Sometimes I just feel how can the society be so fucked up. Well, this is reality. I just have to jolly well suck it up and move on. In times like now, I just don't have the energy to do so. 我累了, 我真的累了。 Part of me just wanna let go and give up on every single thing that what my another part is holding on so tightly. No matter how many times I tried letting go, I still can't help myself going back to care and kept getting hurt over and over again. People around me may feel that it's not worth it, I know it might not be but still omg :(

There's quite a couple of things that happened recently which made me came to a realization. Well, there's good realization but there's bad ones as well. What's the thing that scares me the most is that I might have alr started to feel attached to them, relying on them, starting to get used to their presence in my life. 我最害怕的事情发生了,我已习惯了你们的存在。So here's the thing, should I just start to take a step back, or should I just wait till the day when everyone leaves, feeling all lost again. I get easily attached and maybe that's the reason why I can't move on easily.

WAH WAH WAH Now I really hope I can read people's mind, knowing what exactly are they thinking omg 这样的话我也许就不会那么伤心, 也许心就不会那么痛了。

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