Thursday, May 9, 2013

Journey w Malaysia Boleh: Florence's 21st

8th March 2013


We sitting the car on to the way to her room.

Went early to help out!

*smug* face inserted HAHA


LOL I can't even recall when we took this! 

Chen Ann (Took damn many shots to have the perfect one LOL)

Kiong Huat

Kiong Huat & Chen Ann

Jody and Florence

Chen Ann and Florence

Attempted the jump shots LOL We all look damn ridiculous HAHAHA

Finally a proper one.

Here starts the photography session. Credits, Ziqi. LOL


Although there's some hiccups in between the celebration, we still overcame it and had a good time ourselves! The food is damn nice I swear! Stayed overnight at her rooms and headed to the IT fair the next day with Florence, Waihong and Kionghuat!

Last but not least, HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAYYYYYYYYYY Hope you could stay happy as always no worries, no nothing, but pure happiness that surrounds your life!

Loved, Desiree. 

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