Thursday, October 28, 2010

Journey w Darlings: Last Day of School

I'm blogging, again.

Today was the last day of school. SAD. It is just a year away from O Levels.. Its fast man, seriously fast. Was quite upset over my A Math results, but nvm, will strive harder next year! Frankly speaking, I'm not in the mood for holiday yet, its just too.. hmm.. weird? Although EOY have passed, there is still another much more bigger stone clinging somewhere. Haii, somehow feels so afraid :( Okay, skip the sorrow parts.

Oh! Will be going to Australia with family! Awhhh! I just can't wait! It's one of the top under my wishlist! Freaking exciteddd! ^^ After Australia, Taiwan is my next target! Go, go, go!

Took pictures with lovesssss :D Will be uploading more pics after Indrani tagged the photos! ;D

Loved, Desiree ♥

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