Thursday, August 19, 2010

Journey w Darlings: A Math Carnival

Was busy memorising the chinese idioms and didn't update yesterday. ( At the end , the test was cancelled. Like what.. memorise so hard at last cancel.. -.- ) So, here I am. The A Math students went to NGEE ANN POLY for an A Math carnival yesterday. Carnival, yes carnival.. Still have test somemore! Not allowed to use calculators and ask we all to calculate log and ln. Crazy ~ And let's just forget about the results part :P

After the test, play, play and play. Had some refreshments during the interval. The muslims look so pitiful. We are like eating and they are so hungry but all they can do is just to stare at us and admire.. Nvm, tahan a few more weeks, then you can eat anytime you want! :D

Had some game booths after the eating. There is this particular booth which is so damn cool. Once you type anything on the laptop, it will appear on a glass. Cool right? And we made fun of Mr Q ~ :P

Ok, blah blah blah.. GOOD NEWS! THERE IS NO HMK TODAY! YAY! ^^
Going for YOG Gymnastic tmr! ♥
Loved, Desiree ♥

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