Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A Day w Me: Secret

Ok, I seriously just find that babies are so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! ^^ Hahas.

I have taken back my common test papers for my geography, chemistry and MT. Geography got 18/25. Happy! Passing for the very first time. Chemistry, 17/40, failed by 3 marks. -.- ( Nvm, since I've given up on that subject. ) MT, result same same, 42/60. My marks is like always around that range. Haii. I will also be getting back my E Math & English results tmr! PLEASE, PLEASE AND PLEASE LET ME SCORE AT LEAST AN A OR B ( E Math ) a pass is all I need ( English ).

Btw, my A Math common test has ended. I think I will not score quite well for the test, even 3A was struggling. I did the paper and realised that I only know the surface of the question. Not deep into the question. It is like you thought that you know that person very well but actually, in fact, you don't know! You know, you know? ~ Its about that meaning. I hope lady luck is with me when I receive my results. *cross fingers*

First Time:

It was the first time I did my A Math linear law quite stably.
It was the first time I passed my geography. ( In fact, is 2 times, but the minor test doesn't count. )
It was the first time I knew the biggest rumour about someone~ ( It was so great and exciting to know someone's secret. :P Haha! )
It was the first time my Chinese Dance teacher did not let us do sit-ups and push-ups. ( Its actually we are lacking of time, so just skipped it. Hehe. )

Yeah, that is all aboout it. Have a nice day ahead! ^^

Loved, Desiree ♥

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